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Live your truth and you will be free.

Because in truth you know exactly who you are, the lines of your personality, the depths and valleys of your soul, what it is that you lack and where you overflow. In truth, you don’t apologize for who you are. You live divinely in your own skin, without the heaviness of another persona lying on your back.

In truth, you know what you want, in all of its complexities and nuances, difficulties and joy. You are not bound by others’ expectations of who you must be, of what is common or normal or “right.” In truth, you pave your own path forward, and remain faithful and committed to your purpose and destiny.

In truth, you know when you’re hurting yourself, when you are bruising your ego, diffusing your strength, crippling your dreams. In truth, you are honest enough to know when you need help and to seek it. You are strong enough to pick yourself back up, limb by fallen limb, and start again.

In truth, you allow yourself to love deeply and without abandon. You are able to carve open those parts of your heart that may have, at one time, felt better closed. Because, in truth, you know that a life without love is not worth living.

In truth, you listen to that inner voice, the one telling you when something feels off, when someone’s intentions seem duplicitous, when the next step forward is not the right one. In truth, you don’t stifle the voice inside you. You honor and are guided by your inner wisdom.

In truth, you allow yourself to play. You don’t grow stale because of age or ask the child inside to quiet down. In truth, you realize that you never really grow up, that laughter and fun, experimentation and bliss can always be yours.

In truth, you know when you’ve been unfair or judgmental, made a mistake in action, tone or response. No matter the cost, you realize that you must make reparations. Because, in truth, you would expect no less from someone else.

In truth, you know that there is forever room to grow, that even as an expert, you have much to learn. You don’t shut out dissenting opinions or ignore new information. In truth, you realize that a closed mind is a defensive one and that growth only happens through openness and learning.

In truth, you don’t tolerate bitterness, jealousy, and regret. You accept what you cannot change and work to change what you can. In truth, you realize that your life is dictated by your mind so you work to make your outlook bright.

In truth, you are humble and kind, generous and respectful of others. You realize that there is only one Earth and it is our collective responsibility to take care of her.

In truth, you recognize that your place in this world is temporary and it is up to you to use this time wisely.


Amanda Richardson, PhD MS CHWC CIHC is a health and wellness coach, behavior change expert, writer, and yoga instructor who helps adults achieve emotional health, reduce fears, manage worry, and adopt a positive mindset. A former public health researcher, she has worked for institutions such as Johns Hopkins, the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, the truth Initiative, and others. She blends her academic expertise with real-world practice to empower and inspire people to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. I had to share this on Facebook, I wrote, “I wish I’d read it in my 20’s”! Thank you, this clarifies so much.

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