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Ashton Aiden

Need a Miracle? Look Within!

The most basic and fundamental truth of our existence is a miracle... Our very reality is founded upon goodness, love, peace, and joy... This is what we are to our core. The very source of our existence has come from this goodness, and this is truly all that exists. This also means that the negativity we experience in life, whether it be fear, anxiety, sorrow, or anger, is only an illusion. Though this may seem far removed from the experience that most people are having in their life right now, it is possible for anyone and everyone to have an…

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What I’ve Learned Along the Road

It will be a life-long journey to try to get it right, but here are some things I feel were important to have learned so far: It is better to try and fail, than not to have tried. Be consistent and fair in all your dealings with people in all situations, not just family and work. Honestly is always the best policy. Truth is the truth, so easy to remember. Consider the opinions of others as they may be the ones with the right answers. It is OK to be wrong, but also important to admit it. There is more…

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Connecting With a Higher Power

You are a fascinating, unique, and wonderful creative being, and the power that dwells deep within your soul is eternally connected to the very source of your being, God. You are blessed with certain spiritual gifts and talents and you hold divine potential within your soul. You have the free will to express your individual creative power in any way you choose as long as it is in agreement with divine love and divine truth. Do not concern yourself about your specific life purpose and destiny as you simply need to allow your creativity to blossom. It is time to…

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Design Your Ideal Life

You truly have the power to live your life by design. This concept of "creating your reality" is not just some "personal development" idea designed to create a sense of empowerment or give people a positive outlook, though it has been used in that way. What changed my life, however, was finally seeing the Truth that we - consciously or not - are at the cause of our experience, pleasant or unpleasant. I see people wasting years of their lives trying to find the reasons "out there" as to why things aren't going how they wish they were. I did…

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Stand Strong and Become The True You

View your life experiences as a stepping stone to becoming a better you. Use your gifts to help another person and be the voice for the voiceless. Walk in faith, humility, reverence and obedience to a higher power and the ‘otherness’ that fuels your spiritual awakenings and guide your steps through troubles, setbacks and struggle. Be willing to forgive and ask forgiveness for yourself when you’ve been assaulted by lies and slandered with untruths. Be strong in your resolve to become the bigger and better person than the person with unkind intent. Pray for forgiveness for your own ‘ugly’ ways…

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Your Discontent is the First Step Toward Awakening

In our day-to-day lives, most of our attention tends to focus on the realities of the conventional world: our relationships, perhaps raising children, going to school or work, addressing issues in the areas of health and finances. At the same time, we each experience, from time to time or even persistently, that whispered voice of our heart or higher self, reminding us and calling us to look beyond the conventional world to a higher or transcendent reality. Sometimes we experience a sudden wake-up call — a loss or change that forces us to consider what life is really about and…

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Live Your Truth, Fulfill Your Purpose

Are you living your truth or someone else’s? You are unique. You were created to live in this world, at this time. You were not created to become someone of someone else’s idea. You were created to fulfill a particular purpose unique to you for this period in time. Those of you living under the preferences of others are sacrificing who you are, who you were meant to be, and what you were meant to do. Knowing your purpose for this lifetime, you received inspiration to lead you to explore and gain the knowledge and expertise necessary to fulfill that purpose.…

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Just Because You Think It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True

Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it’s true. When you believe all of your thoughts, you will find yourself immersed in suffering because thoughts can be deceiving. Understanding and using this single concept in your everyday life, will ease your pain and lighten your moods more than you can imagine. Most people go through life thinking they are simply making observations, when in reality, they add to the facts and make judgements and form opinions. Those judgements and opinions are what create our unease. A fact would be something like, you ate a bowl of ice cream. This is…

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In Truth We Find Peace

Live your truth and you will be free. Because in truth you know exactly who you are, the lines of your personality, the depths and valleys of your soul, what it is that you lack and where you overflow. In truth, you don’t apologize for who you are. You live divinely in your own skin, without the heaviness of another persona lying on your back. In truth, you know what you want, in all of its complexities and nuances, difficulties and joy. You are not bound by others’ expectations of who you must be, of what is common or normal…

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Recognizing The Person Behind The Mask

Most of us wear a kind of mask, a persona that hides our deepest thoughts and feelings, and presents a polished, controlled face to the world. Much of the time, we interact mask-to-mask with other people. There's a place for that. But remember times when someone saw through your mask to the real you, the person back behind your eyes. If you're like me, those times were both unnerving and wonderful. Even though it's scary, everyone longs to be seen, to be known. Besides the ways that seeing the person behind the eyes benefits others, it's good for you. And…

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The Power That Lies Within

In my teachings, the one message that I really want to emphasize is that there is nothing more important than to stay connected to the Power within. It doesn't matter what you call it; infinite intelligence, divine mind, God, Presence, it's all the same, and it is within each and every one of us, waiting for our recognition of it. When we are connected to source, to the infinite wisdom within, there's inner peace and a feeling of safety that no beliefs in material or outside powers can ever give you. Tune into the guidance by stillness and meditation, but…

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Moments: The Notes in Your Heart’s Song

Like notes in a song, moments lead us into the chorus of our life...the chorus of a song is the part that we all sing along to. The part we all remember! So, each moment is strung together to create a larger time period in our life and these larger time periods become our life... but the moments are the notes that create the song and the song is our life. It is the beautiful moments that create a beautiful life. A life so beautiful others sing along with it and are inspired to find the song of their heart!…

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The Power of Truth

For a few minutes let’s discuss the POWER OF TRUTH and how you can harness it to Manifest Your Greatness. Lying to yourself is not the way to increase the power in your life. Lying drains energy at the mental, emotional, spiritual and molecular level. Here's the problem -- you lie to yourself all the time. You just don't know it. You don't believe me? See if these lies sound familiar: "There is no way I can ________" “I’m not good enough to_______” "I don’t have what it takes to _______" "If I don't get _____ I will never be…

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