It will be a life-long journey to try to get it right, but here are some things I feel were important to have learned so far:
It is better to try and fail, than not to have tried.
Be consistent and fair in all your dealings with people in all situations, not just family and work.
Honestly is always the best policy. Truth is the truth, so easy to remember.
Consider the opinions of others as they may be the ones with the right answers.
It is OK to be wrong, but also important to admit it.
There is more than one right way of doing things.
Be sure to be part of the solution, not of the problem.
Learn to read body language and facial expressions, they speak louder than voices.
Respect others; this should not be limited to your elders or superiors.
Unkind words hurt as much as physical blows and can leave deep invisible scars.
Humour has its place, but not appropriate in all situations.
If you have a talent, share with those who are interested.
One of the most satisfying things is to mentor another person.
Kindness to others is its own reward. If they don’t return it, it is their problem, not yours.
If people want to help you, think of something they can do – it helps them too.
Being a successful leader demands good listening skills and being a team player.
You have to take care of yourself to be able to take care of others.
There is no timetable or magic pill to end grief, but there are ways to make it easier.
The struggles you have weathered should make you wiser and perhaps helpful to those who are ‘there’ now. Be supportive.
If you don’t have the answer, admit it… and then try to find it.
What you do may never be perfect, but if you do your best, be satisfied.
You need to be your own best advocate.
Be cautious in all financial dealings. We are living longer now and need to prepare to take care of ourselves.
Keep in touch with friends and family, as they will not always be with us. Regret of not having done so can be crippling.
Stay home when you are ill; that is the only way we can interrupt the cycle of viruses, etc.
It’s OK to agree to disagree.
It is not original to say, but important to remember that if sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
If you can learn other languages and culture, it makes it easier when you travel, and in today’s society, it fosters greater understanding too.
I am a work in progress, hence my essay is short of 500 words!
Very interesting you touched on staying home when ill (caring is not ALWAYS sharing when it comes to germs haha). Thanks for sharing your insight!
Camille, I’m not sure my reply was posted, at least couldn’t see it, but I could never understand why employees didn’t ‘get it’ that when they shared their germs that was why the staff ended up having to continue to work short staffed
Margaret, I enjoyed reading your words of wisdom. Excellent advice. Thanks! Linda
Thank you Linda. I look forward to hearing what you have to share too.
Thoughtful wisdom- thanks Margaret!
Thank you Jan.
Oops new piece of wisdom, just learned… proof read spelling before hitting “Post”. Thanks Jen!
Lovely and insightful….grace be to you, Margaret! Thank you
Thanks LeeAnn. I expect many people learned these sooner than I did, but am grateful I can share them.
I think and always have thought you were amazing! I brag about you to others. You are a person to be proud of. You are right- you are always kind. I love you and am glad that I know you. Hugs-
Thank you, Pamlyn, Hugs back!
So many pieces of wisdom. I particularly like the advice to be satisfied with your best. Too many people beat themselves up if they aren’t the best.
I learned that early when I would come home with a report card of A’s.. when in Canada back then ,the top mark was “H” for Honors”
Margaret, I love what you wrote. Just knowing you for the last 10+ years, I have seen you live all these words of wisdom. You are a marvelous person and I am so glad I know you and have learned from you. Luv ya!
[…] What I’ve Learned Along the Road – inspiremetoday.com […]
Thank you Margaret for your years of INSPIRING insight… Wishing you and your family an EXTRAORDINARILY EPIC THANKSGIVING SEASON, ADVENT, and CHRISTMAS! Elle????