- The past is perception. The future is unknown. The only truth is the present.
- When you give another the freedom to follow their path, you’ll discover what your true path has always been.
- The older I become, the more important it is for me to live my truth, than merely live in confines of perception and image.
The Power That Lies Within
In my teachings, the one message that I really want to emphasize is that there is nothing more important than to stay connected to the Power within. It doesn't matter what you call it; infinite intelligence, divine mind, God, Presence, it's all the same, and it is within each and every one of us, waiting for our recognition of it. When we are connected to source, to the infinite wisdom within, there's inner peace and a feeling of safety that no beliefs in material or outside powers can ever give you. Tune into the guidance by stillness and meditation, but…
Moments: The Notes in Your Heart’s Song
Like notes in a song, moments lead us into the chorus of our life...the chorus of a song is the part that we all sing along to. The part we all remember! So, each moment is strung together to create a larger time period in our life and these larger time periods become our life... but the moments are the notes that create the song and the song is our life. It is the beautiful moments that create a beautiful life. A life so beautiful others sing along with it and are inspired to find the song of their heart!…
The Power of Truth
For a few minutes let’s discuss the POWER OF TRUTH and how you can harness it to Manifest Your Greatness. Lying to yourself is not the way to increase the power in your life. Lying drains energy at the mental, emotional, spiritual and molecular level. Here's the problem -- you lie to yourself all the time. You just don't know it. You don't believe me? See if these lies sound familiar: "There is no way I can ________" “I’m not good enough to_______” "I don’t have what it takes to _______" "If I don't get _____ I will never be…
Let The Truth Set You Free!
Listen to and act on your truth. Based on the 25 years I've been facilitating people, I can say that one of the most common "diseases" that many people suffer from is the failure to live by their truth. I see too many people that live the life that they were conditioned into living by adhering to standards other than their own. They don't live the life that is suitable for them, one that allows them to express their unique individuality or that is aligned with their individual truth. This entails the price of constant inner conflict and lack of…
- Love deeply and believe completely, speak truthfully and listen openly. Pray faithfully and act courageously, share passionately and sleep peacefully.
Tell the Truth, Even When It’s Scary
I have learned nothing more deeply satisfying or life-affirming than this: The more we can discover what is true with us, the more open become the walls that constrict our souls. And when we do so out loud with a trusted friend or partner, the more permeable become the walls that separate us from each other, and the more connected we become, Soul to Soul. Lesson 1: Discover new Truth. Where we are keeping secrets from ourselves—false personalities we developed in childhood, traumas we “forgot,” truths about us we dare not think—we must work hard to not face them. Hiding…
- When we teach a child to be truthful we offer them the gift of an ethical life.
- Happiness based on what’s temporary and arbitrary is forever elusive, while happiness based on eternal truth is forever.
Find and Stand In Your Truth
Take a long look in the closest mirror. Look up, look down. Notice what you are thinking and how you are feeling in doing so. Then, ask yourself... Do you recognize that person? Is your external being a true reflection of the soul on the inside? Do you bear slight resemblance to the face in the mirror, or are you identical twins? Are you happy with that person? Are there things you notice you want to change? What is the chatter going on in your mind and heart right now? Often in life, the face we put forward in the…
Don’t Miss This Life-Changing Moment
There are distinct moments in life when the truth comes closer to us. Unfortunately, almost all of these important, potentially life-changing moments are entirely missed, because what is wrong with us, our false nature, sees what is true as an attacking enemy. Let me show you what I mean so that the next time truth makes an unexpected appearance in your life, you will recognize it for what it is: a friendly and beneficial force that is on your side. Permitting the truth to do what it is intended to do will permit you to be what you want to…
Bouncing with Style: Feelings are Not Truths
One of the fun parts of keeping a journal is you can look back and reflect, sure, but you can also look back and laugh. When I was in the death throes of my marriage, counseling that I thought was to save our marriage after my husband’s latest affair and he thought was the way to get out of our marriage, I journaled a lot. Now, years later, with two active voracious readers underfoot in elementary school, I thought I better check out these journals in case my kids open them. Boy! If flames could have leapt from the pages…