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Take a long look in the closest mirror.  Look up, look down.  Notice what you are thinking and how you are feeling in doing so. Then, ask yourself…

Do you recognize that person? Is your external being a true reflection of the soul on the inside? Do you bear slight resemblance to the face in the mirror, or are you identical twins?  Are you happy with that person?  Are there things you notice you want to change? What is the chatter going on in your mind and heart right now?

Often in life, the face we put forward in the world is not always completely true in nature. Our insides feel one way, our outsides act another. Perhaps we are afraid of what we feel inside.  Perhaps we are ashamed, timid, or unsure. Whatever the emotion or reason, it is not uncommon to be walking around with a confused identity: soul and human. The soul speaks – and knows – its own truth, it is very simple.  The human likes to complicate and over-analyze, using a lifetime of conditioning to process its world and gather information. The soul is still and quiet, while the human is quite noisy.

According to, “truth” is the true or actual state of a matter. It is conformity with fact or reality; verity. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. The state or character of being true (conforming to reality or fact, real, genuine, authentic, sincere, not deceitful, loyal, faithful, steadfast, firm in allegiance, being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something). Actuality or actual existence.

Saul Alinsky said, “The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.” Our soul craves its own truth. It rejoices in it. It celebrates each time we stand true to ourselves. Each spoken word the human makes to reflect what is on the inside is a small victory; liberation. Being genuine, authentic and loyal to ourselves is the epitome of Personal or Individual Freedom. Heaven on Earth. Moving into the “real” you may seem scary or uncomfortable. But, let me remind you: Go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is. Everything you want is probably outside of your comfort zone, otherwise you would already have it.

Try this exercise:

Take a few moments to reflect on your own life. As you focus on looking into the mirror, quiet and still, what are the emotions and thoughts that are rising up inside of you? Are you happy and at peace with what and who you see? Are you being true to yourself each day? Are you acting and speaking out on your truth? What can you do to be in closer alignment with your soul?

If you find that your soul is yearning to be liberated from the human mask it is wearing, what are some steps you can take to overcome fears and challenges so that you may stand in your truth more regularly? If you’re having difficulty moving past the fear, reflect on how your life would look and feel if you walked in your truth. Use these positive emotions and visions to fuel your drive.


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Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, Certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and Vice President of a local non-profit that “rehabilitates people through animals.” She is also a writer, a Mother of 3 girls, an artist, a Life-and-Love Junkie, a Self-Expression and Development advocate, and - well, you get the point. She’s a lot of things, just like all of us. Camille is also author of, "The (Real) Love Experiment: Explore Love, Relationships & The Self."  Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at

Visit her instagram at for photos and inspirations.

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