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You Have a Choice

At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of you, you always have a choice. Your choice is how you respond to the world around you, and how you navigate the world inside you. It's how you choose to translate what happens and what everything means. As simple as it may sound, or perhaps as difficult as this may be to hear, you and you alone have full control over the quality of your experience here in the physical…

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Change Your Life With Just One Decision

Everything in life starts with a decision to attract what you want. What do you want in life? A fabulous marriage? Income beyond your wildest dreams? Health, wealth and happiness? To help as many people as you possibly can through your efforts? What do YOU truly want? You CAN have it all - the first step is to simply DECIDE you want to attract it! The power of decision is amazing - it puts you into motion! More importantly, it puts the Universe into motion. And nothing is accomplished without action. As Napoleon Hill shared in  Think and Grow Rich,…

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Express Yourself!

Freedom is letting go of your limitations and expressing your true self! How often have you been in a situation where you really wanted to say something but were afraid to speak up because of what people might think of you? Maybe you wanted to change your career but knew that “you’d never hear the end of it”.... What if you could have a magic wand and change all of that? I remember years ago being in one of those situations where I came across opposition to the decisions I had made about my own future. I was sitting at…

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How to Find Financial Freedom

On the morning of New Year’s Eve, I got the news that my husband had passed away. He left me and my eleven-month old son with $3,000,000 of debt. Hearing the news I collapsed on the floor. That moment my 11 month old baby stood up on his feet for the first time, and used his tiny fingers to wipe away my tears. He lost his father, and I just lost my best friend. One day I may find a new one, but no one can ever replace his father. But he didn't think about himself, only about how to…

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It’s Time to Stop Being So Serious… Seriously!

The path to Freedom can sometimes seem like a never-ending battle. Even when we think we are getting somewhere, something is still missing. Almost but not quite was my story, as I tried harder and harder to free myself of the past. Just when I thought I let that go… there it is again. It is the fire of commitment that keeps us going no matter what. We intuitively know that peace and joy is our natural way to be… so what is missing? The sooner we discover how to not take things so seriously, the faster the Joy of…

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Clutter, Peace, and a Lighter Spirit

     My spirit felt heavy. I couldn’t seem to write and no reading material held my interest. I felt bogged down by life.      My intuition told me to clean.      I had items the kids had left, thinking they would want them some day. To my surprise, I found out they didn’t. I started looking around my home, realizing that I had stuff that meant nothing anymore. Suddenly, I felt energized to get rid of stuff. Heaviness became my decider. Does this item weigh me down, or does it make me smile and feel lighter?  …

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Take Back Your Inner Freedom

As a psychotherapist and wellness speaker for 35 years, I have been fortunate to have learned many lessons about life from the many people who have shared their innermost thoughts with me. Certain lessons that I have learned time and time again, and they have helped shape my understanding of life. These insights have helped me tremendously both personally and professionally in helping others. Life has a way of teaching us lessons that no one ever could. Although of course there is a place for teaching others, all too often we want others in our lives to change so much…

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Let The Truth Set You Free!

Listen to and act on your truth. Based on the 25 years I've been facilitating people, I can say that one of the most common "diseases" that many people suffer from is the failure to live by their truth. I see too many people that live the life that they were conditioned into living by adhering to standards other than their own. They don't live the life that is suitable for them, one that allows them to express their unique individuality or that is aligned with their individual truth. This entails the price of constant inner conflict and lack of…

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Freedom, Not Free Will

You do not have free will. I'm sorry if I'm the first to break that to you. What you have is total freedom to choose how you will follow the laws of the universe. If you try to change or break or ignore the laws you will struggle and suffer. That's not a threat. It isn't divine retribution. Let's look at it another way. You can cook toast in your toaster. But should you decide to boil water in your toaster, or worse, that you are going to try to keep the electricity coming down the cables at bay with…

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Find and Stand In Your Truth

Take a long look in the closest mirror.  Look up, look down.  Notice what you are thinking and how you are feeling in doing so. Then, ask yourself... Do you recognize that person? Is your external being a true reflection of the soul on the inside? Do you bear slight resemblance to the face in the mirror, or are you identical twins?  Are you happy with that person?  Are there things you notice you want to change? What is the chatter going on in your mind and heart right now? Often in life, the face we put forward in the…

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Facing Pain And Finding Freedom

So... I was at the nail salon once and decided I was quite overdue for an eyebrow wax (admittedly I don't go as often as perhaps I should - only several times a year max - since I don't really grow messy or bushy eyebrows). I'm not sure if it's because I am not used to it, or if it is just plain old painful, but each and every time I go, my eyes water from the discomfort (I habitually leave with black mascara running down my face), and I try to find ways to distract myself from it. I…

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Reflections on Freedom

We are born with the spark of freedom that burns brightly within all of us, no matter where we live geographically or what we may experience politically. Freedom is the opportunity to do what we want, when we want and choose how we want to do it. It's following that voice inside, no matter where it might lead and oft times walking to a different drummer. It is the ability to think our own thoughts and make our own choices. Collectively, freedom can be expressed as a small group or as a country, but it always starts within the mind…

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