There is a moment when the dirt and the dust rises up in your life, maybe it is abuse, lack of money, lack of kindness, whatever it is. There is a turning point when you stand still in time.
Everything stops. It is very quiet. You say, this is going to change.
You become a radical demand for change in your life, and in that moment, the world shifts. It is a glorious shift into the light when you know you’re knowing, again. When you stand in the brightness of you. This is you that everyone else always knew and you somehow forgot.
When you ask a question. What can I be and do different, today?
Then in that moment, when you know that your life can be different, and you know that something better exists, you ask for more. It could be a job that has to change. It could be your income has to change. It could be a relationship must change.
Do not fear this moment. Do not be afraid when you need to change something that no longer serves you. Now you can step outside of your comfort zone, and then you’re going to step outside of your comfort zone again. A few things you might like to know on your journey:
You’re not alone. When you brave new pathways into light, when you accept more money for being you, when you accept a new position, when you move into a new home – you have done something that will inspire everyone around you, and those for miles around them.
We influence people to three degrees of separation when we experience extreme joy. Are you willing to be a conduit for joy today? It’s a bold request, for it is easier to stand in the muck and the mire of the past, wishing life were different.
I’m not innocent in this, I have accepted abuse, I have tolerated more than I would ever wish any of my children to tolerate. And yet, as I stand in the space for today, I ask for new opportunities, and I embrace them with grace and vulnerability.
For as lightning strikes, and it sometimes does feel like lightning has struck, I am going to be changed in this moment of asking and demanding more. And the road will show up. It will appear, I have faith in this moment, beyond faith, and beyond faith again.
Change is insanely possible, always. Are you willing to ask for more? Are you willing to stand in the place where brave new pathways may have not ever actually been walked upon? This place is uncomfortable and then joyful, and then uncomfortable, and then joyful. Extreme happiness is possible now, when you ask for your life to change.
I’ll be here cheering you on.
[…] Originally From: https://inspiremetoday.com/brilliance/invite-lightning-bolt-change-life/ […]
That sweet spot where change beckons and you are uncomfortable and then you change and everything changes! Thank you for the post!
this post is in perfect timing with my life right now. thank you for your wise words.
You are so very welcome!
Nevermore has inspiration been more powerful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Know that you are treasured, revered and loved as a precious gem of this universe.
Thank youuuu…I needed the confirmation of everything you said…Yes yes…????
Oh yes! Change is infinitely possible. One more thing that didn’t actually fit “stop judging anything about where you are today” as you release the judgment change comes infinitely quicker! 🙂
Also for me this post was perfect! Yes I very recently had an onslaught of financial woes accommodation woes, rejection and abandonment, and accident that left me unable to work. Relationship difficulties, verbal and physical abuse … basically the whole gamut. It was my birthday week. It was last week. I’m slowly recovering my physical and mental health. I’m finding help to get set up to find a way to get some income and oh yes some joy in my life. I almost gave up but decided not to go and am on my way back.
Thank you so much for your inspiration.
Thank you very much !!!
it is a very excellent article to live. very very thank you.
Very well written😊❤👍! It is through our difficult times when we truly find ourselves.