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Love with your heart, not your eyes.

Pick your battles wisely.

Never, ever give up: you might miss the miracle!

Believe in miracles.

There is beauty everywhere; open your eyes to see it.

Be grateful, for everything.

Trust the greater plan is better than the life you think you must have.

You might have strength beyond what you could ever imagine.

Faith is critical.

It’s not all about you.

The time you don’t make for someone could be everything to them.

Love unconditionally.

Communicate! No matter what, ALWAYS say your truth. Just make sure and say it nicely.

Set boundaries.

Once you say no, don’t feel guilty about it.

Embrace your past, no matter what mistakes it might include, it helped make you fabulous.

Before you act or speak, think about how it might affect others.

Possessions do not matter, experiences do.

Make sure your children feel loved, safe and supported.

Do everything you can to make a difference in people’s lives.

Never judge your life by looking at others’ exterior.

Live in the now, today, this moment.

Do not have fear about anyone or anything: it will paralyze you.

Be willing to take risks in life and love.

Use wisdom as you make your choices.

Slow down.

Never ignore red flags.

Never settle! Always have faith that something and someone amazing are out there for you — it’s all in the timing.

Believe you are fabulous and loved.

Forgive yourself.

It doesn’t matter what others think about you.

Honor your word.

Make your wrongs right. No matter how scared you are, the outcome might not be as bad as you think it is going to be.

Ask for help and let others help you when you need it.

Love the people that provide the greatest challenges even more than the ones you love.

Do not blame others for your actions: take responsibility for what you’ve done, the life you’ve created.

Don’t say things that are hurtful or that you don’t mean. They cannot be taken back, but they can dramatically impact another human’s life far more than you might imagine.

Don’t punish people with silence because they cannot read your mind or don’t act the way you want them to.

Always communicate your wants, needs and desires.

Be willing to let people go if they can’t meet your needs, wants and desires, even if it means being alone.

Don’t try to make people be what you want them to be.

Let go of the life you believe you must have in order to receive the life you deserve.

Always love the true person, not the fantasy of what you think they could be.

Never try to change people.

Accept your circumstances, or change them (if you can).

It’s a waste of time to stay in a bad situation with your only action complaining.

Be aware of actions, yours and the actions of others, actions do speak louder than words.

Life is hard and unfair at times, so focus on the good!

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Tracy Goodwin is known all over the world as The Red Sweater Lady for her popular communication training videos. As a master communication specialist, Tracy runs her own company, RSL Communications where she trains individuals and companies from around the globe in presentation skills, voice and speaking improvement, accent reduction and other communication courses.

Tracy has a Masters degree in Corporate Communications and has won numerous speaking awards. In addition, she also has a Masters in child drama and owns The Theater Place. After many years as a professional actress, Tracy switched gears to directing and plays all over the globe as well as starting numerous educational theater programs.

Tracy is also the single mother to Jack, a 12 year old boy she has recovered from autism.

For more information, please visit

Comments (14)

  1. Tracy’s gratitudes were very simple and easy to remember and incorporate into your life. Doing one a day would improve my life. Thank you for sharing.
    Carole C.

  2. Tracy has been and will always remain an inspiration to me as an enlightened mother and human being.
    Lynn Seskin, Psy.D.

  3. Wonderful words of Wisdom, Tracy! Thanks for boing a wonderful teacher and example to all your theatre kids! 🙂

  4. Wonderfull words of wisdom and inspiration! All the more meaningful and inspiring that you have lived them. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Thanks for the words of wisdom, Tracy! And it’s soooo true that how we react to life’s challenges is a choice.

  6. Very well done, thought out and expressed. Thank you for all that you do. You made a lot of keys points that we should not forget!
    Congratulations on being featured here!!

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