Never underestimate the power of your thoughtfulness – it may just be the very thing someone needs. Something simple to you may be huge to the heart of another. Imagine what a better place this world would be if we practiced those unsolicited random acts of kindness unto others without having to be reminded or without needing to receive acknowledgement. Doing something kind because it is the right thing to do is as powerful for your conscience as it is your heart.
There are people who will take advantage of your good nature and generosity. It’s inevitable. You’ll find that these unsuccessful people can only achieve success on the backs of others. Don’t be the freeloader or the mule. Being the mule will only hold you back from achieving greatness because you’ll lose focus and will have wasted your energy on carrying excessive weight. Always trust your gut to spot these freeloaders. They tend to make excuses, do not accept responsibility and thus, deserve none of your time.
Never assume that people who have great reputations also possess great character. Don’t get star-struck as we all put on our pants one leg at a time. As humans, we are all fallible. If you surround yourself with people who have character first and foremost, you’ll find yourself in good company.
There is nothing more fulfilling than waking up each day knowing success comes as the result of your efforts. Work hard, make sacrifices to achieve your dreams and do not be afraid to take risks. Sometimes we have to take the leap of faith to do what is uncomfortable. Doing what you’ve never done before will allow you to grow both personally and professionally. You’ll wonder why you didn’t take that leap earlier because you were already prepared… you just didn’t know it.
Complacency is a disease. Be someone who leads by example as your efforts speak far louder than your words. Others will take notice and will provide that echo that you have earned. Always be willing to learn. The day you stop being willing to accept knowledge is the day you stop growing as a person.
Be a person of integrity. Others will break rules to take shortcuts that undermine ethics. Do not let your frustrations of others deter you from focusing on your own objectives and goals. Deceit isn’t right no matter how much one tries to justify it. I have always found, at the end of the day, those who practice life with dignity and honor will be rewarded in the end.
Understand that the choices you make will drive your existence. Your choices are a reflection of you, just as blaming your environment or your circumstances are the same. Some hurdles in life may be higher to jump because of where you started, but make no mistake: all are possible to clear.
Always be a person who eagerly looks ahead without excuses or regret. A positive attitude is infectious!