Life is really a lot simpler than it seems. We typically make things more complicated than they need to be. Don’t take anything or anyone (especially yourself) too seriously. Someone once said to me “Nothing is life or death, unless it is literally life or death.” I have found this to be true.
RELAX. Remember that you always have a choice in how you react to things. You can let challenging situations or circumstances hold you back, or you can allow them to propel you forward. If you live your life knowing that everything is happening for you instead of to you, you’ll start to see the opportunity for miracles through adversity, and GROW.
Learn to let go. When something no longer serves you, let it go. You have to make room for your dreams. Holding on to things, situations, or people out of fear will only create a barrier between you and your deepest desires.
HAVE FAITH. One of my favorite quotes on faith says, “When you come to end of all the light you know and its time to step into the darkness of the unknown. Faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen. Either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.” ~ Edward Teller.
BELIEVE. Believe in yourself. Believe that you were given your unique talents because you’re meant to succeed. Believe that no matter what, you are divinely protected. Go with the flow. Allow yourself to be lead.
SMILE. Start each day with gratitude.
BE THANKFUL for all that you are today and everything that you will become. Say thank you. Often. Even when things don’t go the way you planned or you’re faced with obstacles, remember that someone somewhere is going through far worse.
BE KIND, especially in your thoughts. There is always a nice way to do something. Commit to taking the high road.
APOLOGIZE. Don’t judge others or yourself harshly. Use your words to uplift people never to shame them. Always do your best.
PLAY. Be a beacon of light for others. Any chance you get to make someone’s day or ease someone’s burden take it! When you look at your life (which you should often) look for the laughter, but don’t ignore the tears.
CRY. Don’t hold things in. Bottled up emotions will only make you sick. Let it out. All of it.
FORGIVE. Forgive yourself for all mistakes and shortcomings, also forgive others. Never lose sight of the big picture. You are so blessed to be alive right now.
Remember to BREATHE. Eat well…take naps…invite abundance to dinner…stretch…pray….create….make eye contact…dare to dream…You are a being with limitless possibilities.
Find your wings, spread them, and always LOVE with your whole heart.
Good morning Monique! Thank you for sharing your well thought and worded inspiration for the day. We all need a lilttle reminder from time to time. This was wonderful to read this morning and helped me remember just how blessed I am, and to forgive myself and others and to pray for those less fortunate and even to pray for those more fortunate as well. Every breath we take is a gift and gratitude and good fortune is a given to all beings, everywhere and every day. May your day be most fabulous today and all your days!!
Very well said, Monique and I totally agree with you. We need to stop complicating our lives. Living is not as hard as it seems.