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Be the change you want to see in the world. One of the most empowering things we can do to change our lives is to change our choices. Choose to be better in the next moment. Choose to be better tomorrow than you were today.

Every day we are giving new challenges and we can take with us the things we have learned from our past to be better, smarter and stronger today. Today, choose to live with inspiration. Inspire yourself. Be the source of your own inspiration, that is why inspiration starts with I.

Choose to take action now. Do it now. Don’t wait for tomorrow as you never know what the future holds. Take action now. Start by getting clear and setting a goal. Identify what you want. Be clear and defined. Have something you are passionate about that you are working towards. This gives you a reason to wake up in the morning, get out of bed and move through the day with gusto. Once you know what you are working towards, make a plan to make it happen. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Wishes are weak.

But a goal with a plan has power. Make a plan and break that plan down into daily, simple, bite size steps where a little can be done every day, slowly moving you forward to what you want. Then take action. When taking action, have integrity. Integrity is what you do when no one else is watching.

Imagine the person you admire the most. Now imagine there is a video camera taping your daily goings on. Are you proud of who you are and what you do? Now ask yourself if the person you admire most were to see a video of the things you do or have done, would they be proud? If you were sitting beside them as they were watching it, would you want them to see your actions? Do the things that make you proud and would make the ones you admire proud as well. If you are not proud of who you are or what you do, take responsibility and choose to change it.

Don’t beat yourself up or feel guilty about history, just make the choice to be better starting now. Once you take responsibility for where you are in life you will then be in a position to change it. Responsibility can be a heavy cross to bear but it can also be a powerful tool to get yourself to make better choices and make a change. Last but not least…evolve. Don’t stand still. Always work to be better today than you were yesterday. Nothing stays the same. The world doesn’t stand still, why should you?

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Just Do It!


Sharmen Lane’s transforming and relatable strategies help people make better choices, “moving from ordinary to extraordinary

A life path beginning in a highly dysfunctional family environment, moving from high school dropout to manicurist and eventually achieving self-made millionaire status sounds more like a Hollywood fairy tale but, as Sharmen Lane describes in her compelling new book, GIVING YOU THE WOW AND THE HOW, she made the transformation happen following the simplest principles of her own design drawn from her personal life experiences. The result is a stimulating “fix-it” chronicle that gives readers the tools to “get from where you are to where you want to be.”

Her immensely readable life-changing narrative, subtitled “44 Tips from the Millionaire Manicurist That Will Change Your Life Now” does more than recount a sad, unfulfilled early life populated by nine divorces among her parents, alcohol, bad choices and a host of other negatives that could have consumed her. Rather, Ms. Lane, highly-regarded motivational speaker, life coach, author and radio show host, shares with readers just how she focused on her passions, conquered fears and made choices that empowered her to create a dream lifestyle – all by using the tools she now makes accessible to everyone.

The one-time manicurist making $20,000 a year describes how to “power past” fear and find a way out of an unfulfilling life. Practical examples of how to give a voice to individual passions to inspire growth, whether dealing with one’s personal relationships, professional life, educational aspirations or improved health.

The book recounts simple principles evolved from Lane’s own experiences -- losing 30 pounds (and keeping it off), making more money than she ever imagined, running a marathon, retiring from corporate life at 34, and even earning a college degree.

Through simple exercises and lessons, innovative tools outlined in GIVING YOU THE WOW AND THE HOW include learning to break down goals into manageable areas so that every goal, regardless of how complex, is attainable. Readers learn to use their emotions, as tools for change, how to “knock out the negative,” how to control one’s reactions with the “Ten Second Rule,” conquering fear, teaching accountability, and how to make empowering choices.

Chapter titles reveal the scope and unpretentious style of her narrative –“Take Your Talk for a Walk,” “Kick Your Fear in the Rear,” “What You Feel You Make Real,” “Putting Off Procrastination,” among them.

Manicurist to millionaire Sharmen Lane is a four-time author, speaker, life coach and radio host (Now to Wow on 1230am WBLQ). She has been interviewed on Lifetime TV, NPR, New York Daily News, BusinessWeek, and many others. She’s written articles for National Magazines and has spoken for several large companies, high schools, colleges, charities and non-profit organizations throughout the world. As a motivational speaker, she has trained, managed, and coached thousands of individuals on what it takes to get what they want.

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