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You are loved. You have always been loved, even since before your birth as the person you think yourself to be. You are much more, much, much more. In fact, you are love.

You came from love, you are living a life of giving and receiving love, and you will return to love. Love is all there is, regardless of what name any of us might give it and how separate we might have come to feel from it.

When you know you are loved, it is easy to love others. It’s easy to forgive them too. It’s even easy to love and forgive yourself. And every problem in the world, from the smallest personal problem to the largest and most seemingly unsolvable global ones, can be addressed with love. Not with the theory, with the experience.

Recall times when you have known that you were loved. Remember how that felt. In those moments, you were content, at peace, happy. Remember how you felt compelled to love in return? It’s automatic.

To be able to give love, we must be able to receive love because we can never give what we don’t already have. My deepest wish is for there to be more love in the world and I know that for that to happen as many people as possible must know what it means to be loved, so that they can give it, and fill the world with love.

Most of us are hard on ourselves and as you read these words you might feel doubtful. “How could they love me? After what I’ve done? The way I look, the way I am, all my bad habits…” Surely, you might think, you would have to change yourself in many ways in order to be worthy of receiving love.

Quite the opposite.

All you need in this moment to know that you are loved is to let it in. Love surrounds you. Love is everywhere and everywhere longing for its own fulfillment, which is to be received! Imagine, this universal force I am calling love with just one intention – to be received. And here you are, here all of us are, with our single deepest yearning – to be loved. What an equation: a universe filled with love plus life forms longing to be loved!

Let love in. Open to the possibility of a personal relationship with the source of love. Don’t worry about dogma and concepts… just welcome the experience.

Love is here now, in the moments you are reading these words. Love remains present after you finish reading, as you prepare a meal, speak with a friend, ready for bed, drive to work. And in each of those moments you have this same opportunity: open to receive Love, knowing that you can, for one reason: because you are Love.

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Master Charles Cannon is a leader in the field of modern spirituality, a visionary and pioneer in the evolution of human consciousness. He founded Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality in 1983 and developed the High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle experience which have helped transform the lives of millions worldwide. His speaking engagements include: the United Nations; the World Health Organization; the National Institutes of Health; Columbia, Oxford, Tel Aviv and Bombay Universities; Westminster Abbey and the Vatican.

His primary inspiration occurred during early childhood when the Blessed Mother began appearing to him. He became a close disciple of Paramahansa Muktananda, one of the most acknowledged spiritual masters of our modern era and was ordained as a monk in the Vedic tradition. His monastic name is Swami Vivekananda Saraswati.

Master Charles and Synchronicity associates inspired world audiences in 2008 by expressing love, compassion and forgiveness rather than condemnation towards Islamic terrorists who murdered two and injured four of their group during the Mumbai terrorist attack. In the aftermath of their rescue, they created One Life Alliance, a charitable, educational organization dedicated to honoring the oneness and sacredness of life. 

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