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Live your life knowing that people are inherently good, with unlimited potential to do great things.

It is our actions and behaviors that define us to our friends, families, and fellow man, and the continued positives we display in life will have that much more of a domino effect and spread good will and joy to those around us.

It makes no difference what corner of the world we come from, what color our skin is, what religion we adhere to, how much money we have in the bank, what kind of car we drive, or where it is we go on vacation- for the value of any human being is how well he or she treats others.

Having a good heart, and being sweet and kind to others – especially those less fortunate and in need – is what really counts in life.

Inspire those who you come into contact with on a daily basis.

Make sure you constantly provide positive reinforcement, and let them know that they, as you do too, have greatness in them.

Show them, through your actions, that they will never be alone, and make an indelible mark on their lives in the process.

Those who care for others and give of themselves, receive it back tenfold.

Life is a beautful thing, and we must always be sure to slow down enough in our daily travels to share this joy with friend and stranger alike.

The next time you see someone who seems down on their luck, give them a smile, and let them know they have greatness in them.

For, in doing so, you have just proved that you have greatness in you as well!

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I came into the world on October 18, 1961. John F. Kennedy was President of the United States. The film West Side Story was released, and would go on to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards. I spent a majority of my time playing sports, but fell in love with newspapers, which was how I was initially introduced into
writing and storytelling.

While attending Kingsborough Community College from 1979-1981, I served as editor-in-chief of the school's paper, and then joined the staff at Long Island University's Seawanhaka for my junior and senior years. At L.I.U. where I earned my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism in 1983, I was also a selected member of Sigma Delta Chi, as well as Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges.

My last year in college included an unpaid internship at WCBS-TV, Channel 2 in New York City, where I learned so much about the television business. Upon graduation, I landed a job at the network, starting as a news clerk for The CBS Morning News with Diane Sawyer, and also weekend shifts for The NFL Today with Brent Musburger.

After quickly rising in the ranks to producer, my life suddenly went on a downward spiral due to addictions to alcohol, drugs and gambling, which ultimately led to nearly six years behind bars for robbery.

My time incarcerated gave birth to my first published book, Jew in Jail, which tells my true story of how I finally decided to deal with my addictions and turn my life around.

Writing Jew in Jail - as I was doing my time - allowed me to become very introspective, and realize that I could help others in similar situations of being an addict and/or living with low self-esteem.

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