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All of our lives here on Earth, we are learning lessons. In my life, I have learned from many teachers, both alive and dead. And I’ve always said that if everyone knew what I knew – how we go on in spirit form after we die our physical death, and how beautiful and perfect it is on the Other Side – they would not longer be afraid to die, or be afraid to live.

Here on Earth, all of our words and actions are subject to the spiritual laws of cause and effect, also known as karma. Anything we say or do has both a physical effect – on ourselves and on others, who may be near us or at a great distance – and also a spiritual effect.

The spiritual effect, I always say, is like having a bank account that we’re either making deposits to or draining away and we end up with either a full bankbook or overdrawn, depending on how we live our life. We all do this – make a deposit, make a withdrawal, based upon our words and deeds.

Knowing this, if we’re trying to learn our lessons and become a better person, it’s easy to get down on ourselves when we make a mistake. We know our karma account is getting drawn down and most often it’s like buying an over-priced dress on impulse – we don’t even really want what we got and won’t even wear it; we wish we’d never bought it – it was just a waste of our money!

But mistakes are part of the process, how we learn. Holding onto our errors, our sorrow or our guilt doesn’t actually do anything positive. It just keeps us stuck and prevents our going forward and making better choices.

It’s important that we forgive others if we’ve been hurt, and when we make a mistake it’s important that we forgive ourselves. (We can say, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake,” and just take that dress back.) I don’t mean that we should stay in a situation that is toxic, where someone is hurting us over and over and not even trying to change. They have to work out their own thing. We need to forgive them in our heart, but still step away from their negativity and do our own thing.

We can ask God and our guardian spirits to help us find peace with such day-to-day decisions. I use the power tool of prayer – I pray to forgive. I pray to be forgiven. I pray for peace in my heart – the thing all of us want.

None of us is perfect. We are all just trying to live our lives as best we can, facing what life throws at us with as much grace as we can muster, being the best person we can be. On the Other Side all is perfection, God is complete forgiveness, all is peace.

I’m sure you have heard the expression for death, “going to our reward.” That is the absolute truth. We have nothing to fear in death. On the Other Side our spirit lives on, enriched by our experiences and all the lessons learned here.

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New York Times bestselling author, Concetta Bertoldi, is the gifted and vivacious psychic medium featured in TIME Magazine and on The Early Show on CBS. Globally renowned for sharing heartfelt messages from the Other Side, Concetta delivers live shows to standing-room-only crowds where her natural wit and compassionate energy entertains and provides comfort to every life she touches.

Concetta's first book Do Dead People Watch You Shower? And Other Questions You've Been All But Dying to Ask a Medium, hit the New York Times bestsellers list in 2008. She followed that success with a sequel, Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs? Questions You'd Ask a Medium if You Had the Chance.

Her newest book, Inside the Other Side, is bursting with personal anecdotes and insight garnered throughout Concetta’s years as a medium.

Concetta consults regularly with members of Britain's royal family, American celebrities, politicians, and everyday people looking to alleviate grief and find closure over the death of their loved ones.

Born with the inability to hear in one ear, Concetta, who is clairsentient, has been communicating with spirits since childhood. She embraced her abilities to share her gift and lift the spirits of others.

Concetta lives in New Jersey with her husband.

For more information, please visit

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