1. Think kind thoughts about yourself and others.
2. Speak kind words about yourself and others.
3. Act in kind ways toward yourself, others and the earth.
Developing a “kindness consciousness” is one of the most powerful ways to get out of our analytical, “it’s all about me” mindset and into our true nature, which is joy and love. When we are projecting the qualities of love, kindness and compassion, we immediately disconnect from the egotistical self, which creates most of our unhappiness in life.
If this seems unrealistic, simply try it for yourself. Think, speak or act kindly and feel depressed in the same moment. I have yet to find one person who can radiate sincere kindness and experience emotional misery at the same time. Personally speaking, I have found this magic formula to be the antidote to depression, fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, being judgmental and all other negative emotions.
So how is this possible? It’s actually quite simple; authentic happiness in life resides in the heart… not in the head. The rollercoaster ride of human emotions is simply the result of an ongoing inner dialog between the head and the heart. An unkind mind creates problems, but the heart can always solve them. The mind often says, “I need this – I want that – and what’s in it for me?”
The heart (aka your spirit, essence, divine self) has a totally different perspective. This part of you says; “I care about you – how may I serve you, and…I expect nothing in return.” Unconditional love and kindness is why the greatest spiritual teachers to ever walk this earth were filled with tremendous joy and peace. Their focus was solely on giving rather than getting.
I encourage you to discover this life-changing power for yourself. Over the next 24 hours make it your intention to only think, speak and act from your heart. Do this for a full day and watch your positive energy explode!
One of the quickest ways to accomplish this is by performing spontaneous acts of kindness. Offer a free cup of coffee to a stranger – pay the highway toll for the person behind you – give your place in line at the grocery store to a mother with an impatient child or simply let people out in traffic while driving home from work.
The opportunities to be kind are endless. Practice this each day and not only will you create happiness for yourself and others, but you will also become a powerful force for creating a more loving and compassionate world.
Kindness. It almost seems too simple. Could changing your life and the world really be that easy?
As a matter of fact…yes it is.
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