Do you ever get the sense that there’s more to life than this? Do you ever feel like you are living a life of quiet desperation? If the answer is yes, listen to the voice of your soul.
The voice of your soul is your inner guidance system. You were born hearing it clearly. You once believed that anything is possible. But you were taught to focus on your five physical senses and logic, which didn’t nurture the magnificent and magical part of you – your intuition. That intangible source of wisdom was muted, but it is always speaking to you.
The voice of your soul knows your unique purpose and wants to tell you. To live up to your full potential and realize your dreams, you simply need to listen to your soul whisperings and make them loud and clear.
How would the world look if we all heard and acted on our soul whisperings?
As children, we would be encouraged to tap into our intuition. We would be taught from a young age how to develop that ability to listen and know. We would know who we are, feel seen and heard, and be happy and joyful. As teens, we would feel validated in our unique genius and comfortable in our own skin. Our journey to discover our life’s work would be grounded in an evolving knowing of our purpose, passions, skills and talents.
As adults, we would feel fulfilled in our work because it would be the highest expression of our purpose and passions. We would ignite our Inner CEO to guide us as we tune in to the soul of our businesses and know the easiest path of clarity and focus to make our highest potential a reality. In that joy, we would serve more people and generate abundance for ourselves and others.
There would be collaboration and abundance: an exponential expansion of creative and innovative products and services to benefit the world because we would be doing work we love.
We would have vibrant health because we are tuned in to our physical body and listening to our Inner Physician. We would notice and resolve imbalances before they turn into illness or disease. Money and resources no longer needed to treat disease would be redirected towards worldwide wellness.
If this is a world you’d like to create, take these four steps to hear the voice of your soul again.
PAUSE – Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and focus on the here and now.
ASK – Ask specific questions, or simply ask, “What am I to know?”
LISTEN – Wait and listen. Receive the answers with your inner hearing, feeling, seeing and knowing.
ACT – Take action on the guidance you receive. When you act on your intuition, you achieve results and your ability to hear and trust your inner guidance expands.
Your soul is whispering to you right now. It’s time to listen.
[…] As adults, we would feel fulfilled in our work because it would be the highest expression of our purpose and passions. We would ignite our Inner CEO to guide us as we tune in to the soul of our businesses and know the easiest path of clarity and focus to make our highest potential a reality. In that joy, we would serve more people and generate abundance for ourselves and others….Continue reading on InspireMeToday.com. […]