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If there were one important – or invaluable – message I could share with the world, it would be that we are souls on a human journey.  Our physical bodies, material possessions and thoughts rooted in fear all boast impermanence and superficiality.

This human experience is merely a playground for our souls. A classroom, if you will. Life on earth is a chance to physically express ourselves, to grow our divinity amidst a variety of challenges.

We are love. Our roots, our core, our very being is love and light energy. We are intertwined, interconnected to everyone and everything. Such is the magic of life. Magnificence can be found every where we look, in every breath we take.

Hold on to the concept of impermanence, the vision of your purpose here. Your soul is on a journey to express, share and become love. Anything else is human, man-made and finite. You will not look back on this life and wish you had more earthly possessions or drama. You will not be proud that you stirred the pot. On the contrary, you will review your life and measure your success here by the love you gave away, and the love you felt for yourself. The gratitude you cultivated, and the wonder you experienced. The blessings you recognized, and the ones you fostered for others.

The dramas that unfold in our day to day human lives are fruitless in nature, though in all hardship is an opportunity to stretch and grow and open our eyes a little wider. Each breath we take in is a chance to begin, again. To wipe the slate clean and start anew. You can choose love at any moment, in every moment.

When making decisions, acting or reacting, question the root of how you feel and what you are about to do. Is it based out of love… or fear? Is this a decision that will enhance your life and the quality of your experience here? Will it enhance the life of others? In what ways can you lovingly express your feelings and actions? If today were your last day on this planet, in your human costume, what would you do, how would you act and what would you say?

Removing yourself from the disguise allows a shift in perspective. It also releases built-up toxins, opening up space for more positive experiences, thoughts and feelings. Those which serve you and the highest good.

In the truth lies freedom. Freedom from pain, fear and judgment. It unlocks a new world, one where mistakes are merely bumps in the road that propel you in the right direction. Acknowledging who you really are, what you really are, gives you the ability to reroute the course, recognizing what is working for you, and what is not. It gives you permission to walk in your own truth. To be authentic and bold. To explore. To stand up against that which previously knocked you down. To live fully and enjoy this priceless gift called life.

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Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, Certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and Vice President of a local non-profit that “rehabilitates people through animals.” She is also a writer, a Mother of 3 girls, an artist, a Life-and-Love Junkie, a Self-Expression and Development advocate, and - well, you get the point. She’s a lot of things, just like all of us. Camille is also author of, "The (Real) Love Experiment: Explore Love, Relationships & The Self."  Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at

Visit her instagram at for photos and inspirations.

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Comments (4)

  1. This is lovely and spiritually cultivating – much enjoyed and shared, thank you Camille.

    From the Bhagavad Gita:

    Even as we cast off worn-out garments
    And put on new ones, so casts off the Self
    A worn-out body and enters into
    Another that is new.
    Not pierced by arrows nor burnt by fire,
    Affected by neither water nor wind,
    The Self is not a physical creature.
    Not wounded, not burnt, not wetted, not dried,
    The Self is ever and everywhere,
    Immovable and everlasting.
    The Self cannot be known by the senses,
    Nor thought by the mind, nor caught by time.
    If you know this, you will not grieve.

  2. M. Catletlt – thank you so much for taking the time to read this, for replying and for sharing that! So beautiful. And much appreciated xo

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