Your job, your absolute duty is to embrace every feeling that increases long-term happiness. Nothing else is more important. Once you live by this guideline, every single day will be happier than the day before you read this email. Just by reading this sentence, you have already sparked long-term positive change that will only increase as you read on and make my suggestions your own.
From now on, in every situation, you will be brave, bold, loving, kind and confident. Take a second to reflect on each of those words and what they mean for you.
Tell yourself everyday that you are all of that and more. Every. Single. Day. Within a week you will inhibit and exhibit each of those qualities more than you did before.
Avoid hate and anger. If you feel them coming over you, take a deep breath and remember what you told yourself the day before. That you’re brave, bold, loving, kind and confident. Your illuminated day has no time for negative thoughts and feelings. You know these feelings. You understand them and you decide that you will only embrace positivity.
Sure, you may slip up from time to time. But once you have taken a step back, you WILL be able to deal with any situation better with your new-found positive qualities. Embody them. Starting today, when someone describes you, they will use one of these. Hear them say it: “You’re brave, bold, loving, kind and confident”.
These qualities will naturally take you further into your journey of inspiration, positivity and learning. By reading this, you have already shown that you are one of the few people in the world that consciously seeks improvement. Embrace that. Let it shine in your daily life.
Continually remind yourself of what each of these words that you now embody really mean; being brave, bold, loving, kind and confident.
Love your new suit or dress but concerned that others might not? Arouse your inner confidence and I promise you will look and feel amazing.
Are you dealing with an unreasonable or rude client? Treat them to your endless kindness – they will have no option but to melt in your presence.
Is your child testing your limits? Set a spectacular example of yourself by being all that you are in one go: brave, bold, loving, kind and confident.
There’s a reason for my repetition of those words. By reading them again and again, by experiencing the emotions associated to them, you have fired the right connections in your brain so those positive feelings are stronger than when you started this email. You have just passed the first step to live a happier, more positive life. Keep going, I promise it’ll be worth it.
I am brave bold loving kind and confident yes yes yes!!!
This has inspired me and lifted me!!!! Sandip keep it up brother!!!! I invite you to visit my Youtube channel Adya Clarity Goddess.
Hi Rebbie, I was remembering you today and our friendship
So pleased that the Divinity in you heard exactly what the Divinity in me wanted me to hear! Weird sentence, I know..but it says it for me. And, realizing this helped me to understand Oneness more clearly. Wish I had time to really delve into that with you a bit, but this bold, brave, kind and loving individual has to dash off to test this confidence thing in depth! Facing challenges right now, but your anointed words wrapped me in a safety net, so I do thank you so much….
Thank you for sharing this Sandip…very inspiring! Life HAS to unfold in loving and positive ways if one embraces being brave, bold, loving, kind and confident! So true!
From now forward, I declare I am brave, bold, loving, kind and confident in everything I do in Jesus’s Name.
Gorgeous…thank you for warming me inside and out –
Yes, you provide vitamins in for life. Thank you so much.
Very inspiring message. Thank you ever so much for it ❤😊.