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Finding Your Confidence

There is no wrong, there never has been! There are those who know and then there are those who innocently don't know. We all have a desire to define our divine design. What is your heart's desire? Have you come to terms with what you are here to accomplish for yourself? How can we make ourselves feel committed to accept every experience we have lived and more importantly know that every decision we have previously made was right at the time? We all have a deep seated longing to know what our purpose in life is, to help us accept…

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The Power of Confident Belief

Believe in yourself. To be successful in your personal and business life, you must display confidence for others to also believe in you. When you are uncertain about performing well, seek expert help to get you past your fear and uncertainty. Help may come in many forms including self-help, reading materials, taking a class and hiring a coach. Once you do take advantage of the expertise of others, you will possess the knowledge you sought and become more confident than ever before. For instance, early in my sales career, I would become a nervous wreck in anticipation of meeting with…

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You Hold the Power to Change

You underestimate your ability to modify the person you are. While humans are spiritual and complex creatures, they are also simple machines, and everything about us can be parsed down to a one or a zero. Your being is a collection of points of data that you are free to manipulate to a large degree, and if you are dissatisfied with yourself, it's likely that the power to change is entirely within your hands. Anything about your person which you lack, but which is demonstrably obtainable by human beings, is obtainable to you. Confidence? You can build it. Defy the voice that…

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You Are Brave, Bold, Loving, Kind and Confident

Your job, your absolute duty is to embrace every feeling that increases long-term happiness. Nothing else is more important. Once you live by this guideline, every single day will be happier than the day before you read this email. Just by reading this sentence, you have already sparked long-term positive change that will only increase as you read on and make my suggestions your own. From now on, in every situation, you will be brave, bold, loving, kind and confident. Take a second to reflect on each of those words and what they mean for you. Tell yourself everyday that…

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Decide To Shine Wherever You Are

Don’t be afraid of becoming who you are. The minute you decide that you are going to become who you are meant to be in this world, is the moment you begin to soar. Criticism stops us at times. But look at your critic as a person, not as a god. When we place critics in the proper perspective we can get on with our life’s mission. Some nuggets of criticism may be valid. Look within and pick the kernel of truth. Correct. And continue to soar. Refuse to be placed in a niche. You are meant to have an…

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Remembering to Dig Deep

The best lessons I've learned in life have happened while running and if there is one thing I can share with the others, it is "Dig Deep." It's a phrase I say to myself whether on a daily run where I feel less than strong or in a road race when I feel as if my legs are like noodles and I am going to bring up cookies. Not the prettiest of all imageries, but "Dig Deep" has carried over into other areas of my life when I felt like the world was handing me way too much. You don't…

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Self Love Is The Answer

Having love in life is important to happiness. I'm not referring to the romantic kind of love with another person, but the inner love you have for you. Do you love yourself? Do you like yourself? Loving and liking yourself is as important to life success as the air you breathe. Having self love provides confidence in the decisions you make. It's self love that provides the trust in your own judgment, and the ability to make mistakes and admit to them, without feeling demeaned. Many of us go through our lives caught up in the external world around us. Our work…

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10 Priceless (And Free) Gifts For Parents To Give Their Child

Many are saying this generation has bred some of the rudest, crudest and most insincere children there are. Every older generation has probably said that about the younger ones. Let’s face it, folks, the generations are what we create. We are, after all, the ones molding them. Though it is not necessarily true (Generation: R for Rude), it is the collective perception. With iPads, iPhones, iThis and iThat out there, perhaps there is a disconnect at home. More time is being spent virtually, with technology rather than with people. Amidst all of the technological advances (distractions), the seeming chaos and…

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Your Body Is Beautiful… As Is

Most of us would change something about our bodies if we could.  We (too) often speak harshly about ourselves: Gross. Fat. Ugly. Flabby. Eh, this part is ok. But this part, disgusting. Too big. Too small. Too short. Too tall. Body image is a reflection of our thoughts and belief systems. It is also an indicator of the amount of self love we possess. Stories we have been told. And lies we believe. The weight loss industry rakes in billions each year. People try one diet after another. They ride the wave the media makes.  Everyone wants a quick fix to look "good," whatever…

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Her Unshielding (Poem)

Be kind to you~ Her Unshielding She beat herself up From her weight to her toes From the size of her thighs To the shape of her nose- And on her walk home When she was alone She’d talk to herself In the harshest of tones- She could never enjoy All the good that she had For she spent all her thoughts On how she was bad- She woke up one day Overwhelmed with her stress And cried out for help For her life was a mess- And though it sounds strange Even hard to believe As soon as she…

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Step into an Unthinkably Confident Relationship with Life

Looking to the past for guidance on how to make a new beginning is like asking an echo to show you where it got started. We do not need to think in order to know the right thing to do in the moment for ourselves, or for others! In fact, quite the opposite is true. The amazing possibilities that appear with each present moment are literally beyond thought. After all, the best moments in our lives -- those priceless times when we feel most alive -- unfold without our taking a single thought about them. That unforgettable sunrise we shared…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Get Over Shyness?

"How can I stop being shy? I have had this problem since my early childhood and I can't get rid of it. Every time I try to make a change and finally become sociable and be comfortable with talking to new people or to stop blushing, something embarrassing happens and I fail. I feel like I'm stuck in this endless nightmare for the rest of my life. I always think my particular situation can't be solved because I BLUSH a lot and I can't control this. Please help me overcome this shyness and perhaps stop blushing and becoming more comfortable…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Be More Confident?

"How can I be more confident in life and the future?" ~ Gwen, Grenoble, France Confidence is an inside-out issue, meaning that it first must come from within, before it can be truly expressed on the outside. First, discover the areas of life in which you are not confident. Start by taking note of what things you do not have confidence about. For example, many people are not confident in speaking their opinions, and others do not feel confident in their appearance, etc. Write down a list of specific qualities that you would like to feel more confident about. Once…

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Lessons from a Mountain Lion

Yesterday on the drive home from Nashville, across the prairies of Kansas and Eastern Colorado, hawks were my constant companions throughout the drive. Today, while sitting down to write some text for our Global Hug Tour, I looked out the window and saw a huge mountain lion about 40' away from our deck! We live in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, in Boulder, CO and although mountain lions live here, we've never seen one at our home. Seems Mother Nature is talking to me lately and I'm now listening. The past few weeks I've been swamped with the details…

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