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Sponsored: One Door Closes

Are you looking for a vehicle to break through the roadblocks and detours that have sidetracked you on life's highway? One Door Closes: Overcoming Adversity By Following Your Dreams presents the inspiring stories of 16 individuals from all walks of life who have triumphed over seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve their dreams. They share a road map guiding readers to discover how to live life with vision, courage, determination and passion. Also included are 10 holistic self-assessment tools readers can use to design their own, personal blueprint for success. One Door Closes will help you to clarify and set your goals, and then use the power you already have within to achieve your goals. Discover how to reach your dreams and be inspired!

Order One Door Closes now!

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We’ve Updated Our Privacy Policy!

Over the past few years, the technologies and services we use to bring you Inspire Me Today have changed and improved. We've updated our privacy policy to better describe how we collect and use data, given these technological changes, and to clarify our use of third-party service providers to provide you with features such as our daily and weekly newsletters. Review our new policy now. Our new Privacy Policy will go into effect on November 1st, 2014. Your continued use of Inspire Me Today after this date will be understood as you having consented to the updated policy. Thank you for being a part of the Inspire Me Today community!

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Giveaway: Win a Copy of Married With Luggage!

When nothing seems to fix your struggling marriage, what should you do? Getting nowhere with counseling and considering divorce, our Luminaries Betsy and Warren Talbot realized they needed to put their relationship first.... which resulted in them getting rid of everything and traveling the world! Their global adventure taught ended up teaching them not just about the world around them, but also about their own relationship with each other. Betsy and Warren share their journey in their new book, Married with Luggage: What We Learned About Love by Traveling the World. Today we are excited to both offer an excerpt from Married with Luggage for you to get…

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Cupcake decorated with colorful birthday candles

Happy 6th Birthday,!

Six years ago, we launched a little website to provide daily inspiration, to remind us of our connection to something greater, and to help us remember our own divine magnificence. Six years, hundreds of Luminaries, and thousands of inspirational essays, quotes, and photos later, we're now shining light into more than 150 countries and inspiring more than 25 million people through our site and partner networks! To Sir Richard Branson, Ellen Whitehurst, Cirque du Soleil, Mariel Hemingway, Derek Sivers, Jack Canfield, Dr. Joe Vitale, Seth Godin, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Gini Gentry, Arielle Ford, and every single one of…

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Ask a Luminary

Ask A Luminary

Struggling with adversity in your life? Can't understand how to apply a teaching to the issue at hand? Or simply got a question about life? Reach out for help with the things you're going through! Our Ask a Luminary service lets you submit a question to our Luminaries about issues you’re struggling with. You can request a specific Luminary if you have one in mind or we can pick one of our Luminaries with expertise in your topic area to answer your question. Then, we'll share your question and their response publicly, knowing that what one of us goes through is often relevant to many others. You can ask a question right now or view all of the questions answered to date in our Ask a Luminary archives. You can also access the archives through our main navigation.

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Inspired Adventures Launches Today is proud to announce a new opportunity for you to connect with yourself, other like-minded individuals, and the Universe. We invite you to join our founder, Gail Lynne Goodwin, for an Inspired Adventure in the mountains of Montana. Our twelve adventures in 2014 will be hosted at Dreaming Bear Lodge in Whitefish or at the brand new Glacier Bear Retreat inside the boundaries of Glacier National Park. Our adventures include recreational opportunities, a mastermind, and time for introspection and creative endeavors, plus they're 100% fun. Depending upon the season and the location, participants can enjoy downhill and cross country skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, sleigh-riding, hiking, swimming, stargazing…

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IMT Site Preview

Introducing The Amazing New!

We are so excited to launch the new! We've been working for the past few months to create this new and improved experience for you. We love the beautiful new design and think you will too! Some of the highlights of the new site include.... Great New Functionality You'll notice right away that our homepage has changed dramatically to highlight new inspirational content of all types! Each day's Brilliance will be posted front-and-center so you can access it right away. You'll also find a nifty slideshow of recent Inspirational Photo Quotes, this week's Inspired Interview, excerpts from our latest…

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Introducing Our Inspirational Photo Quotes

Inspiration, like love, is all around us - if we pay attention. We can be inspired by people, places, everyday kindness, nature, and the beauty that surrounds us. Personally, I’m inspired by the wisdom I’ve learned from nearly 1000 incredible Inspirational Luminaries on, as well as by my passion for beautiful nature photographs. Recently, to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of, we combined the two into what we’re calling Inspirational Photo Quotes. These are a blend of wisdom set with a beautiful photograph of nature. As our gift to you this year, we’re bringing you 365 days of inspiration…

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Celebrating Inspire Me Today’s 5th Birthday with Gifts for YOU!

Today, celebrates our fifth birthday. Since our launch in 2008, we've featured nearly 1000 different Luminaries and have inspired millions of people in more than 150 different countries around the world. We receive thank you emails from folks telling us the difference that a particular inspiration made in their life... and that makes us smile. We are proud of the difference we are making, and wanted to express our appreciation to you, for we couldn’t have done it without your continual love and support. In appreciation to you, our loving community, we want to celebrate our birthday by giving…

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Important Update From Inspire Me Today

We hope this post finds you enjoying a beautiful August. While you've been barbecuing with friends, hanging out at the beach, hiking the mountains or enjoying the best of the season, we've been busy making even better for you. We've made some changes to improve your Inspire Me Today experience: Today's Brilliance is now displayed in full on our homepage, and in the morning newsletter, with a direct link to comment. (For those of you who haven't signed up yet for our newsletter, you can now do so with the sign up field directly below Today's Brilliance on the homepage.) This makes it…

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Two More Days to Celebrate our 2nd Birthday!

We're 6 days into our week-long 2nd Birthday Celebration for and the party's still going strong! If you've been following the Birthday Contest you know that our celebration ends at midnight tomorrow. So, this is your last chance to join in the fun to win some pretty outrageous FREE gifts. As a part of the contest we asked our luminaries to help us celebrate. They showed up with some incredible gifts including: - Free personally autographed books on various topics - A complete SEO package from Chris Kauza and Fett Marketing - A one-hour marketing consultation with marketing maven…

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Happy Birthday to and YOU Get the Presents!

WOOHOOOOO!!!! Today is our birthday and we're celebrating! Happy 2nd Birthday to! Thank you for your love and support of our site for the past two years. Because of you, we've been able to grow and continue to provide you with the best daily inspiration from some of the greatest teachers, mentors and luminaries on the planet. Thank you for helping us inspire the world! Please join us to celebrate our birthday! The best part about this is YOU get the presents. We're celebrating by having a week-long birthday contest where YOU have the opportunity to win one of…

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We Need YOUR Help to Improve

To our community, Thank you for your response to our survey a few weeks ago. We've taken your comments into consideration and you'll be seeing some changes and improvements to your site very soon. Yes, I called it "your" site, because that's how we see We're here for YOU. This inspiration is for you. We're here to make your day rock and be the support that you need to not only make it through the day, but to thrive in whatever you choose in life. We asked, you answered and we're listening. Many of you told us you felt…

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Happy Birthday to Inspire Me Today!

Today, is celebrating our first birthday! Woohooo!!! To those of you who have been with us from the beginning, thank you! To those that have joined us along the way, thank you! Our website couldn't be the success it is without the love and support of our Inspirational Luminaries and YOU, our community members. The last year has been filled with growth and change.  The original vision of the site has remained the same.- to present a different Inspirational Luminary each day to inspire us to recognize the magnificence that we are. However, time revealed some necessary changes to…

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Global Hug Tour Launch Date Changed to 9/09/09

The past month has been a difficult struggle between priorities and commitments. About a month after we announced the launch of the Global Hug Tour, leaving in May of 2009, my daughter Carly informed us that she and her husband are expecting their first child. Woohoo! I'm going to be a grandmother! That's so cool! We’re elated, as this is also our first grandchild. However, the timing created a quandary for us, as the baby is due in late August, a month before we were to return from the Global Hug Tour, previously scheduled from May-September. This is my only…

Read more Launches New Design!

The last few days I've been on a rollercoaster with the launch of our new website design yesterday. On Sunday night when the new site was supposed to be uploaded, I was in tears at the massive list of things that still weren't complete. We've been working on this for months and we're already well beyond the deadline we set to present this to you. It's frustrating when things don't go as planned or as expected. What a lesson I learned in expectation. By last night, only a day later, everyone was happy. We had such a great response from…

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The Launch of Inspire Me Today

Today as I write this, I feel such a sense of accomplishment and pride, at the birth of our new "baby", Inspire Me For the last six months we've worked to put everything in motion to bring this site to the world. From designing the site, to writing copy, to determining what individuals want each morning to inspire them, to working with our amazing bunch of Inspirational Luminaries to gather the content, it has been a labor of love. Love of what we're doing, and love that we're sharing with the world. This birthing, like most others, doesn't come…

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