We’ve all heard it a million times: “Actions speak louder than words.” Action is dynamic. It moves and morphs with life. And yet at times we fall back onto “trying” to make something happen as opposed to proactively doing something about the trying.
Have you been using a lot of “couldas”,” wouldas”, “shouldas”, maybes, tries and mights lately? It’s time to ditch the conditional-speak. Thinking in this frame of mind puts us in a bind. Why try when you could simply do? Why would when you can?
By allowing our lives to be framed in maybes, we’re giving away all the power and control. We have the ability to turn our maybes into yeses and our “couldas” into wills — and it all starts with banishing our doubtful conditional-speak.
Here are a few practical happiness tips I practice and share with clients, at workshops and radio show listeners around the globe:
- Attitude is everything.
- Gratitude is an instant mood smoother.
- Happiness will never invite you to the party. It is a choice.
- Life is tough. Live it like an adventure.
- Happiness is both a muscle and an action. Exercise it. “Be” it.
Remember, doing is what matters, so if you’re looking to banish outmoded and unproductive habits that hinder your personal wellbeing, I hope you’ll take the first step towards changing the way you view happiness by joining me at Project Happy People: Pieces of a Happy Life with Host Julie Daquelente, a complimentary 21-day Audio-Summit that begins on August 5th.
Nothing gives happiness like a FREE gift and you can un-wrap yours by simply clicking here to register. Join Julie and me at this very special event, along with 20 other hand-selected experts who will be exploring how to collect and implement the pieces needed for a happier life. There is nothing being sold, just great information and tools for transformation and growth being shared.
Julie’s interview with me goes live on August 22nd @ 9am PDT. There is no charge for this event and every single expert has a valuable free gift, myself included, as an added bonus for each listener. Each interview will be available for 72 hours after its broadcast for on-demand portable inspiration at your convenience from the comfort and privacy of wherever you happen to be. Can’t wait to “see” you at Project Happy People!
Remember…Happiness is an inside job®! Happiness is YOUR inside job!
With big gratitude and huge heart,
This sponsored blog post was written by Lisa Cypers Kamen in support of the Project Happy People Audio-Summit. The opinions and text of this post belong to Lisa Cypers Kamen.