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Bouncing with Style: Play Your Position

First of all, let me clarify that after playing grade-school and high school soccer, it was shocking to me as to how little I retained about the sport other than keep your feet behind the line when throwing in the ball. But as in all things, God has a reason for what we need to know. I have become an avid sport’s mom for a couple of reasons. I like to watch the kids grow and learn. I like the competition and formation of character through team sports. And sports gives me a chance to see my kids when they…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Handle My Kids?

"My kids are driving me crazy. How can I get them to do what I want them to do, when I need them to do it?" Your kids are seeking appreciation, validation, and security, just as we all do. You get whatever you are prepared to give so get yourself into a collaborative frame of mind. 1. Identify what needs to be done. What are the responsibilities or tasks that your child must complete? Help your child understand the long term value of this project. For example, they are developing problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, research skills, computer skills, and identifying…

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Top 7 Children’s Books Sure to Inspire Your Little Ones

There are few things a parent can do that are more beneficial than reading to and with their children. Reading not only gives kids a head start for school and improves their comprehension skills, but engages their mind and stokes their imagination like no other activity. Reading is an act of bonding that will last a lifetime — how many adults do you know that don’t remember their favorite childhood tale? Check out these seven books that are sure to inspire your little ones. There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, Dr. Seuss Although not at famous as The Cat in…

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Bouncing with Style: Taking a Risk

By Sandra Beck. I pushed my stroller into the law office dragging a grape juice-stained three year old boy as his little brother pounded on the tray complete with all those little plastic jangling things that were supposed to keep him busy. Clearly they irritated him as he let out a wail and now they also irritated me. An impossibly groomed receptionist looked alarmed at the rag tag crew that just rolled into her fancy office. This was a law firm specializing in divorce. This can’t be the first time someone flung cheerios under the fancy leather couches. They should…

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10 Tips for Inspiring Your Kids to Be the Best They Can Be

By Laura Burkey. Children are our pathway to the future, and their well-being is paramount to our world's and our family's survival. When we are at our best, we can inspire our children to do their best whether it’s on the athletic field, in the classroom, or anywhere in the world. It might seem easy to push our youngsters to be great, particularly when they are small. As toddlers, we applaud their toilet-training techniques and jump with glee when they count to 10 without any prompting. As parents, our proud meters routinely surpass the stratosphere because, let’s be honest, we…

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Empowered YOUth: 5 Ways to Restore Peace and Repair Connection in Your Family

By Michael Eisen. In a day and age where parents and kids text more than they talk, where a family that doesn't feud is an anomaly, and where the one thing that most parents and kids have in common is the stress and anxiety they face—something's gotta give! If we are going to empower the next generation and generations to come to live up to their true potential and to live a life full of passion and optimism, it is incredibly important that we create a more supportive and understanding family unit. Below are five principles and strategies that will…

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The Gift Of Holding Your Child For The First Time

My daughter was born 30 years ago and I can still remember the first moment that I held her, as if it were yesterday. After 28 hours of labor I was thrilled for the process of childbirth to be complete, but I was in awe at the beauty of this tiny life. When she was placed into my arms, I remember the rush of things that went through my mind, from overflowing gratitude, to how will I know what to do to take care of this precious child? I remember staring at her for hours then falling asleep while gazing…

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How Your Child’s Sports Training Program Might Be Hurting Her Health

By Michele Howe. When my kids were younger, each season brought with it a different type of sport. That meant fall, winter, spring and summer, they were participating (or just enjoying) varied kinds of physical activity. As they got older, I started noticing that coaches were pushing for same-sport off-season training (year around). It bothered me for several reasons. First, I think kids need to explore a variety of kinds of activities to discover their giftedness (and they don’t know until they try new things). Second, the major push to be super competitive (at the risk of an athlete’s health)…

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