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Unwavering Strength

Discover the inner strength and courage to overcome grief, loss, phobias and trauma. Unwavering Strength: Stories to Inspire You through Challenging Times is the first in a series of highly inspiring books by Judy O’Beirn and friends. It is a moving collection of inspirational stories from 32 gifted authors, including Daniel Parmeggiani, Jeanne Henning, and Dr. Terry A. Gordon. New York Times bestseller author Peggy McColl's moving foreword beautifully establishes the tone for the stories that follow. Unwavering Strength shares real-life experiences that will help you find strength and comfort in the journeys others have taken through grief, loss, trauma and heartache. As you read this book, you’ll realize we are defined by our ability to rise up from our lowest points and reach into our hidden potential for incredible growth, love and compassion. A percentage of the proceeds from Unwavering Strength book sales are being donated to cancer recovery programs.

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7 Lessons Found in Grief

Three knocks at the front door wake me. Two emergency responders greet me with news that my twin daughter is dead. She is 16 years old; me, just 40. An odd clarity washes over me... We are all rowing our boat across the river of life; all starting on the same shore, all going to the shore across the way. Some row one way; some row another way. The current runs swift in some areas; in other areas we can glide. Yet, in the end, we all get to the other shore. Eight years later, this I believe: What matters…

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The Best Way To Feel Good: Forgiveness

As I was contemplating words of wisdom to bestow, I began to think about what I have done in life that consistently made me feel good about myself and what I have done to make others feel whole. Forgiveness was the constant. It isn't necessary to explain the reasons or go over the situation, because that just brings up the past and everyone's perception of the event. Without discussions or arguments, it's powerful enough to just say it and mean it and accept it. Pride can be such a roadblock that it's difficult to move forward in relationships and life…

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Try Shoes On For Size (and Comfort!)

It is so true that until you walk a mile in someone's shoes, you have no idea what it's like. You can hypothesize and surmise, but you really have no idea. Even when that "someone" is you. It's easy to say what you "would" or "wouldn't" do in a situation prior to living it. But the truth is, you haven't a clue. Until we are faced with a situation, there isn't a way to fully understand how it feels for all the senses and all the emotions that arise. We often surprise ourselves with our reactions to occurrences in our lives.…

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Making Room for Loss

If you found Dr. Eva Selhub's recent Ask a Luminary response on loss valuable, we invite you to read her more in-depth look at this topic today. I am often asked by my clients and friends alike how they can possibly manage or get over the loss or death of a loved one. My answer to them is always the same. You don’t “get over” a loss, you make room for it. What do I mean by that? When someone you love dies, it is appropriate for you to feel grief.  You miss their laughter, their strange quirkiness, their voice…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Get Over the Death of a Loved One?

"I lost both parents within a year, very unexpectedly. I still pick up the phone to call them and feel such an ache inside. How do I fill this void?" ~ Jeri, Poughkeepsie, NY Dear Jeri, Your first step is let go of your goal to “fill this void.” I am not sure we ever completely get over losses; we learn to fill our lives up with other good things so that we do not feel the loss as much. Right now, you need to grieve. It is how the body and mind heal. The loss is a big hole in…

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‘Lost’ Loved Ones

During the holidays, many of us become acutely aware of “lost” loved ones — family members, friends and colleagues who are no longer with us in physical form. So, instead of experiencing the holidays as a fun and festive time of year, we wind up feeling sad, lonely or even overwhelmed by a sense of grief and loss. I understand. And yet, I know with every fiber of my being that life is eternal. Those loved ones who are no longer in their physical bodies are not gone. They are simply not here in the same way that they were…

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Ask a Luminary

Is This Friendship Over?

"I have a question I'd really like to know your thoughts on. I have a friend named Daniel. We recently had a falling out. I was tired of him holding back and I felt like I was always the one giving and getting nothing in return. Some harsh things were said by both of us. I'd really like to know how he is feeling. Can this be repaired? I already reached out, but he's not responding. I wonder if he even cares to have me as a friend. Thanks so much."  ~ Pam Hi Pam, The relationship is over, and…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Let Go of Past Loss?

"How can I shed negative, debilitating memories of a job loss many years ago? These memories and thoughts affect me today." ~ Craig, Johannesburg, South Africa Dear Craig: Thank you for reaching out for insights into ways to release the hold the past has on you so that you can move forward. That tells me that you know it is possible. Good sign! One thing I would ask is that you consider the context of the job loss. Was it as a result of actions or inactions on your part or something over which you felt you had no control?…

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An Open Letter to Mikko McPuppers

By B. Lynn Goodwin. On our first walk you rounded the corner with pride, and looked up to say, "See how well I do this? I don't tug on the leash. I don't even stop and sniff. Please take me home." At that moment I decided we needed each other. I took this photo of you on the grass by the pool before the lifeguards came out and before I realized dogs weren’t allowed at the pool. I had no idea it would become your author photo five years later when you became a columnist for Silver Rescue. When I…

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Spring Renewal- Starting Anew

Just a few weeks ago I found myself mentoring a client who had gone through a major loss and life change. While sometimes difficult, rebuilding your life after a loss or big change can also be one of the greatest opportunities in life. When we look to Nature, we see that rebirth and renewal are a standard part of life. And like the newness of the Spring, we get to start over with the wisdom that we've learned from our past experience of what works and what doesn't. Life is giving us a clean slate to create anew. I've personally…

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