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Become Aware of Your Real Wisdom

The real wisdom does not need words or explanation: it is silent. It is always inside of you, and you have to quiet your thoughts to hear it. You don’t even have to try to do anything special to hear The Wisdom. It is your essence; it is natural to you. It is who you are. You just need to be aware of who you really are. You already are everything you want to be. You are perfect, you are the Divine part of the Infinite Whole. Often you are not aware of it. Everything around you is perfect. All…

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Staying On Target Despite Obstacles

If there is a light at the end of the tunnel, do you see it as a train getting ready to hit you, or do you see it as your ticket to a better life? If I were you, I would hop on that train. In almost every instance, it will take you to a better, happier place. If the road you are traveling is paved with a) detours, b) brick walls, c) closed doors, d) distractions, and e) personal issues, don't give up! Think of these things as speed bumps -- glitches or annoyances. Things happen for reasons you…

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Living Simply, Kindly, and Compassionately Despite Tragedy

Some lives seem riddled with sadness and even tragedy. Many live a life of grief and despair. And yet there are others who experience similar lives who somehow become stronger and decide to make a difference in the world. I believe we have total control over how we respond to things that happen to us. We can choose to remain a victim or, after we have worked through our grief, we can decide to come out swinging. I have had my fair share of sadness in my life – some from mistakes I’ve made, others from mistakes others have made.…

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Awaken to Your Precious Life

You are infinitely free, unendingly magnificent, undeterred by fear, overflowing as love itself. Isn’t it amazing? This way of being is available to you right now in this very moment. You can be free of the problems that define you. You can live in peace, ease, and contentment with things as they are. But it won’t happen unless you are ready to be conscious in your life. Consider these life lessons, and put them into practice. Then you can’t help but live the fullest expression of your natural, shining, inherently lovely self. Orient your whole life toward what you love.…

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Girl looking through a telescope

Higher Help for Persistent Problems

Why do we end up as often as we do in those painful situations in which the last words usually spoken go something like, "How in the world did I get myself into this mess?" Sound familiar? It should. And while the answer to this woeful question should rescue us from similar future sticky situations, it rarely works out that way. This is very important to admit to ourselves. The truth is we keep falling into the same old snares. Why? There is an authentic answer to this question that may surprise you. The reason we haven't as yet realized…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Stop Feeling Bad?

"These days I have become so lazy and shiftless! I don't do anything except watch TV and sleep. I wanna do something productive like studying or reading but every time I think about this, I have this bad feeling inside me that I just can't describe, so I convince myself to just relax another time and not do anything. I've been doing this boring routine for like 2 weeks now and I'm sick of this and I really wanna change, but I CAN'T! Please, what should I do to remove all these bad thoughts in me and become determined? Thank…

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Don’t Miss This Life-Changing Moment

There are distinct moments in life when the truth comes closer to us. Unfortunately, almost all of these important, potentially life-changing moments are entirely missed, because what is wrong with us, our false nature, sees what is true as an attacking enemy. Let me show you what I mean so that the next time truth makes an unexpected appearance in your life, you will recognize it for what it is: a friendly and beneficial force that is on your side. Permitting the truth to do what it is intended to do will permit you to be what you want to…

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You Can’t Do It Alone: The Power of Community

It is only in the most recent history that people subscribe to the ideal of "independence," of doing it on your own, of not needing anybody to support you. And in concept, this may be a good idea but only as a concept. We have millions of years of a genetic heritage that argues for community and we have maybe 75 to 100 years that argues for independence. Human beings have survived out of their interdependence, not their independence. When infants are born they are completely helpless and would surely perish if not for the love and care given by…

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Friendly Reminders from a Montana Huckleberry Patch

Living in Montana definitely has its perks- especially this time of the year- during huckleberry season. A few days ago, my son, his girlfriend and I went into the mountains of Montana in search of huckleberries. We drove for a few miles up a dusty, dirt road, then parked the car and hiked into the woods. For those not familiar with huckleberries, they grow on bushes usually not more than 18" off the ground and produce a somewhat tart berry, most closely resembling a blueberry. As usual, I couldn't help but relate this experience- in this case berry picking- to…

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Walking Through Scary Times

Companies are closing, pension accounts are being drained, unemployment is going up, folks are losing their homes and the bankruptcy rate is escalating. Many feel as if they're walking through scary times as they watch their piggy banks sink. It all sounds like a train wreck in another state- something tragic but also distant While we're empathetic, the impact is lessened because it doesn't affect us personally. Until it does. Then, very suddenly, things shift and it becomes very real, very fast. Just this past week I've had some personal issues with some real estate investments that are now upside…

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