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10 Tips to Get Through Hard Times

Each morning as we wake up we have a choice to determine the direction of the day. We can go into default mode and wake up fearful and worried about things like how am I going to pay the bills, heal this relationship, find a job, etc..... or we can make the conscious decision to choose the kind of day we'd like to experience. Many times the events of the day happen so quickly, we get caught up in the drama and we truly feel that we don't have a choice. Things just happen. Bad things happen to good people.…

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Transforming Mountains to Molehills

What I think is a mountain today, is a molehill tomorrow. - Gail Lynne Goodwin In 1991 - 1992 I attended Jean Houston's Mystery School. I clearly remember an exercise we did one morning. Through a guided visualization process she asked us to focus our attention on a problem, challenge, difficulty we were currently experiencing in our lives. As the process continued she instructed us to view the problem as though it has occurred 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 100 years ago. Not only did my mountain turn into a molehill - from the vantage point…

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Outside of the Boundaries

So often in life we stay within the same lines, do the same thing and play it safe. Yet, there is a great big unexplored world out there... just waiting for us to be a bit more adventurous. At those times when we dare to venture into the unknown, amazing things can happen. This past weekend I had the perfect tangible example of this principal. Our extended family was visiting from Seattle and we decided to take the family water skiing and tubing on Flathead Lake. For those that have never done this, please allow me to explain some of…

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Today’s Brilliance from Patrick Pedraja

When was the last time you saved someone's life? Most of us have never had that chance even though we all say we would if we could! Well, did you know that you CAN do something really simple to possibly save the life of someone, maybe a kid like me, who desperately needs your help? My name is Pat, I'm 13 years old and I have Leukemia. Even though I do not need a marrow transplant there are 35,000 people, who are just like you and me, out there searching for a matching donor right now! A simple cheek swab…

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What is Your Destiny?

Destiny is defined as the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future, or the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate. Some believe that everything is controlled by destiny and we have little control over the outcome. Others believe that our thoughts alone control our future. Regardless of your personal belief, I hope you enjoy the following story which I found and loved... During a momentous battle, a Japanese general decided to attack even though his army was greatly outnumbered. He was confident they would win, but his…

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Use it or Lose it: Connections Matter

We've all heard the expression "Use it, or lose it". Just a few days ago I was talking with a professor about neural pathways and how if we don't continually think certain thoughts or perform specific practices, we literally lose the neural pathways that have been established in our brains. The wiring just stops working.  If at some point in the future we choose to re-establish those connections, it's like starting from ground zero. I was struck by his terminology in saying "if you don't use the connection, it's gone". Not only does that have significant meaning for the connections…

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Ask + Connect + Collaborate = Success!

We live in exciting times. Over the last couple of decades, we've shifted from "me" to "we". Competition has been replaced by connection and collaboration. Gone are the days when winning was the most important thing. In today's global economy, we've evolved from the experiences of our past and are now looking for something deeper, something more sustainable and something more meaningful. Being authentic, building trust and sharing resources to create situations where everyone wins far exceeds the "me, me, me" philosophy that was dominant in the 80's and 90's. This past week I had the perfect tangible example of…

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Make Your Small Business a Success

Growing a small business can seem really scary sometimes. Yet I find that the fear is also part of the exhilaration! Personal satisfaction is created when you stand up to what scares you and do it anyway! When your WHY is big enough, nothing - absolutely NOTHING - can stop you from attaining your goal. So often it's the easy, simple, seemingly meaningless solutions that offer the greatest impact! You face a huge problem and mistakenly imagine that only a huge solution can solve it. Not so. Simple things done consistently are what truly matter. To share an example, let…

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Just Be Grateful

Each morning when we wake up we are given the most important choice of the day- for it sets the tone for the entire day. We can choose to wake up worried about bills and the drama of life, or we can consciously shift our energy and perception and count our blessings. It's impossible to focus on both at the same time. Gratitude is the fastest way to move from where we are to where we want to be. Gratitude alone holds the power to shift our energy to one of possibility. Gratitude holds the key to creating the future…

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Ten Things That Inspire Me

Inspiration: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions. What inspires you? What inspires you to be a better person or to seek the unknown? It can be something as simple as a budding flower or as profound as an insight that changes the way you view life. In these times with the wavering economy, the far reaching oil spill, and wars that are tearing families apart, we can all certainly use a little inspiration! Let's start at the very beginning! Babies: There is something about the innocence of a baby, their tiny, chubby perfectly developed fingers and…

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You Are Desperately Needed

Today the Grandmothers woke me with this message and asked me to send it out. Please forward it on so we reach as many people as possible. "We ask you to cast, anchor, and hold the Net of Light steady for the Gulf of Mexico," the Grandmothers said. "This crisis is affecting the entire world, and humanity is asleep. Wake up!" they cried. "Animals are dying, plants are dying, and your Mother is writhing in agony. If you hold the Net of Light steady at this time you will help stave off further catastrophe. "You have been lulled into a…

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Ancestry and Connectivity: We Are Family

What do a servant, an unwed mother, a cigar maker, a farmer, bastard children, Counts and Countesses and a mother of 17 children all have in common? How about people from England, Germany, Switzerland, France, The Netherlands and even Tibet? The answer is easy- ME! I've recently researched my ancestry through and found that I am the descendant of all of these people and many more. I have discovered that I am the human version of a mutt. Through, I've managed to trace my roots back through Europe- with some lines going back to the mid 900's! I…

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Conscious Language: The Power of Our Words

Our language has great power. It is an integral part of bringing what we desire into our lives, and also is a key element for bringing what we don't want into our lives as well. Many times, we're not even conscious of what we're doing or saying and wonder why we're not getting the results we desire. The Law of Attraction states that what we focus on grows, whether it's conscious or not, or intentional or not. We've all had the experience of thinking about buying a new car and all of a sudden, it seems like we see that…

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LOST in Inspiration

The phenomenon known as LOST is now part of history. There are no new episodes, no new adventures, no new twists, no new riddles to solve. The writers have answered most of our questions and have left some of them for us to figure out on our own. They have also left an indelible impression and have raised the bar for a new level of television. LOST has also left us with things to ponder and lessons to learn. After the finale I sat and wrote things that I learned from LOST. Some are direct quotes and others are observations.…

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Inspired by a Sunset

Tonight, I was inspired by one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. The sun set around 9:20pmMT and the sky was simply spectacular for another half hour. There is nothing that I could write tonight that would surpass the inspiration I felt in experiencing this sunset.... so I'm sharing it here with you tonight. May you be blessed with the same profound sense of peace and tranquility that this sunset gave to me. With love, Gail

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