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LOST – Saying “Goodbye” to an Era

Tonight is a special evening for me. It looks like any other Sunday evening, but something special is happening. Tonight is the last episode of LOST, ABC's wildly successful television program that follows the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a commercial jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles crashes somewhere in the South Pacific. As I sit here with great anticipation of episode #121- the last one, I'm already missing LOST and it's not even over yet. But I know what's coming. No more new episodes. All the questions will be answered and something…

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A Very Special Prayer

I'd like to share something with you today that is a bit different from my regular blog posts. It is a prayer known as Saint Theresa's Prayer (not to be confused with Mother Teresa). This prayer is simple yet very powerful. I hope it touches your heart as it has mine. With love and hugs, Gail Saint Theresa's Prayer May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received…

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Congratulations Josh Kear: YOU Inspire Me!

Most residents and tourists in Nashville know about the Bluebird Cafe. Described on their website as, "one of the world’s preeminent listening rooms, the venue has gained worldwide recognition as a songwriter’s performance space where the 'heroes behind the hits' perform their own songs; songs that have been recorded by chart-topping artists in all genres of music." About six years ago my daughter and I walked into the Bluebird one random evening to listen to music. Four guys sat in small circle in the center of the room facing one another. One of the writers, a very handsome young man,…

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Monday Morning: Time to Reconnect

It's Monday Morning. For many people, this is the most dreaded part of the week. Sometimes the "to do" list seems overwhelming and any relaxation from the weekend seems like a distant memory. For me, I woke early this morning, back in Montana but still on the Eastern Time Zone from having spent the last two weeks in the Caribbean. My "to do" list is amazingly long- but this morning, I'm taking the time for something even more important than my list- me. My dog, Koda, is very, very wise. He woke me early this morning and invited me to…

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Harness Adversity

Adversity is the number one thing that kills plans for success. At first glance, many opportunities in life can initially appear as adversity. Sometimes, the only thing that makes the difference between whether it's an opportunity or an obstacle is our individual perception. Every obstacle presents a great opportunity- when we look for it and find it. Think of it this way. Walking directly into a 30-knot wind can be a difficult thing when you're trying to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. The resistance alone can cause us to work harder, become frustrated, wait…

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The Power of Focus

A few days ago I visited my favorite beach in the British Virgin Islands, Loblolly, on the tiny island of Anegada. Only 12 miles long and less than 25' in elevation, Anegada has less than 200 residents. A handful of sailors brave the tricky entrance across miles of coral reefs to visit Anegada. I love it for the simplicity and connection I feel from the sheer beauty and the solitude. We set out to play on my favorite beach, Loblolly. This visit was no different, except for an invitation from Charlie, the bartender at the little beach bar, The Big…

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Appreciate the NOW of the Moment

We all know it's important to have dreams and to plan for the future. But so often in focusing on just the future, we miss the magic of what's happening in this moment.  Many times in life we miss the NOW planning for tomorrow. Yesterday I had two perfect examples of exactly this lesson. I'm in the British Virgin Islands, sailing with some friends. We spent the morning hiking through the Baths on Virgin Gorda. The Baths are formed by pools of water between huge granite boulders piled on top on one another on the beach. It looks like Mother…

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Abundance in Anegada, BVI

Everyone has a favorite place in the world, and for me, it's on the beach of a small island in the Caribbean, called Anegada in the British Virgin Islands. This is a beach where I can walk for hours and rarely encounter another person. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE people but I also need solitude from time to time. Just being in this place is like physically walking into a meditation. As my friend Jim said as he shared part of the walk with me, "I need to know that places like this still exist in our world". We're…

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Reclaim Your Personal Power!

There are some things in life we can control and some that we can't. We all have dominion and mastery over our own lives. We have personal power and we get to use it or give it away as we choose. Unfortunately, many times we willingly give away our personal power without even thinking about it or realizing that it happened. My friend Sally had a long-term happy relationship with her partner Bob.  Recently, she left Bob because a friend told her some bad things about Bob. Rather than confront the situation or ignore the advice, she ran. When a…

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10 Success Tips from Founder Tim Storm

Recently I had the honor of interviewing today's Inspirational Luminary, Tim Storm, creator of an on-line premier coupon site and one of the highest ranked sites on the Internet. He's a hero in his community. His employees love him. His peers honor him. And, I think I know the reason why. Tim is the Midwestern "boy-next-door", a genuine nice guy who has reached great success and yet still manages to remain incredibly modest, humble and grounded. He gives back to his community and makes a difference in the world. What I learned from Tim comes not only from his…

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The Present of Being Present

The best present we can give to another is to BE present. And, I don't mean just being in the same room. With the abundance of technology surrounding us in both our business and personal life, we have ample opportunities for distraction and multi-tasking. Recently I was with a friend as she was text messaging to another friend. The next day she was with that other friend and wanted to text with me.  Something seems inherently backwards with being with someone and not being present. And, it isn't happening just in our personal lives. A new survey from PGI shows…

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The Whole World Could Change in a Minute

The whole world can change in a minute. Think about it. One minute can make all the difference in our world. Just ask anyone who lost a loved one in an accident or was diagnosed with cancer. The whole world changes in a minute. Yet, when we think of that statement we usually default to a place of changing for the worse- not better! If the whole world can change in a minute for the worse, it also has the equal chance of changing for the better! You could win the lottery. You could find the love of your life.…

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I’m Flying With Cirque du Soleil!!!

Last night I had a crazy dream. I was walking along a remote country road with several people when I decided I wanted to fly. I love flying dreams. And, I know HOW to fly, at least in my dreams, so this was no big deal. I just soared up into the air, about 20' above the ground and did a few swoops, almost like I used to do as a child when I'd pretend I'm a dolphin in the water. It was amazing. I could just stop and hover, without even putting my arms out, just by having the…

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Magnifying Magnificence

If you can feel one single spark of magnificence in yourself or another, nothing stands in the way of your fanning that flame. Nothing stands in the way of creating a new and brighter flame of magnificence, that then begins to have a life of its own. You see, it is a given. How do I know that? Here you are reading an inspirational piece. You wouldn't be doing that unless you were determined to learn and grow. You would have no interest in such a thing unless you were already conscious enough to appreciate the beauty of being inspired…

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Two More Days to Celebrate our 2nd Birthday!

We're 6 days into our week-long 2nd Birthday Celebration for and the party's still going strong! If you've been following the Birthday Contest you know that our celebration ends at midnight tomorrow. So, this is your last chance to join in the fun to win some pretty outrageous FREE gifts. As a part of the contest we asked our luminaries to help us celebrate. They showed up with some incredible gifts including: - Free personally autographed books on various topics - A complete SEO package from Chris Kauza and Fett Marketing - A one-hour marketing consultation with marketing maven…

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A Conversation With God?

About a month ago I sat in front of my laptop with some heavy thoughts on my mind. In trying to figure out a difficult situation, I gave up and just started typing the first statement below. Rarely do I get to a place where I momentarily crash, but I was tired and was venting in frustration. From there my fingers kept typing and here are the  responses that I "heard" in reply to my questions. I'm not sure this came from the Universe, God, my higher self, my imagination or whatever else. What I do know is that I…

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Celebrate What Is + Expectation of What Will Be= An Amazing Life

I believe in the possibility that comes from celebrating what is. I also believe that when we add expectation to the equation, magic happens and incredible things happen in our life. Each morning we wake with a choice. We can choose to focus on everything that isn't going right and stress over how to make things better, or we can focus on what is already right in this very moment and grow what's possible from there. When we focus on what's not right, we often feel guilty, stupid and less than who we really are. It's easy to beat ourselves…

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Happy Birthday to and YOU Get the Presents!

WOOHOOOOO!!!! Today is our birthday and we're celebrating! Happy 2nd Birthday to! Thank you for your love and support of our site for the past two years. Because of you, we've been able to grow and continue to provide you with the best daily inspiration from some of the greatest teachers, mentors and luminaries on the planet. Thank you for helping us inspire the world! Please join us to celebrate our birthday! The best part about this is YOU get the presents. We're celebrating by having a week-long birthday contest where YOU have the opportunity to win one of…

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This Too Shall Pass

We have an incredible opportunity to learn things in life by simple paying attention to Nature. For me, today was one of those days. I woke this morning remembering something Dr. John Dimartini shared with me in our interview. He said that when he wakes in the morning, he won't get out of bed without first shedding a tear of gratitude. As soon as I woke up this morning, before I ever opened my eyes, I lay there in bed thinking of this and listed the many things I was grateful for. I also had a list of "to do's"…

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