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Ask a Luminary

“How do I discover who I am deep within? How can I realize what’s my true passion, my true purpose in life? How can I improve myself? How can I tap into the strength within me? Do help!” ~ Sabha, Alleppey, India

Dear Sabha,

To discover who you are and what your purpose is, the first question you need to ask yourself is, “What brings me joy?” Your life purpose is always aligned with what fulfills you in your heart. Most people have an idea of what this is, but don’t feel that it is their life purpose. This can be for many reasons, such as they don’t feel that it can make them money, or they don’t see their purpose as important enough.

The best thing that you can do to improve yourself is to make time to connect with your deep inner self. This can be done in prayer, meditation, or just by making time to connect with you. Discovering the strength within you is all about believing in yourself, and that takes place through having a positive relationship with you. Find small ways to love and appreciate yourself each day; such as speaking positive to and about yourself, using affirmations, and participating in activities you enjoy.

When you put yourself at the center of your life, you will realize that it becomes much easier for you to recognize the strength, beauty, joy and gifts that have always been there within you!

Karen Downing

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Karen Downing is an author, personal coach, speaker, spiritual teacher, and the founder of Aurora’s Message is devoted to spiritual writings, teachings, coaching, classes and providing information for anyone seeking understanding of their own life. For most of Karen’s life, she has been described as being sensitive, intuitive, and in touch with others' needs. That natural gift drove her to obtain a B.S. in e-Business with a focus on Human Resources. Karen went on to work in the business sector for many years. Through her experiences in assisting co-workers with both personal and workplace issues, Karenbegan to accept her greater role in helping others to find their own purpose in life.

After being laid off in 2009, Karen founded Aurora's Message as a means to provide information and assistance to anyone who is feeling lost in their life. Karen’s work includes channeling events, intuitive readings, past life work, spiritual development classes, rose quartz coaching, meditations and other tools designed to assist individuals in moving forward on their life path. Karen has also written the book, Creating your Life Path, as a guidebook to anyone wishing to bring their goals and dreams into reality.

In addition to running Aurora's Message, Karen Downing is also the co-host of the weekly radio show, Again & Again. On this live weekly show,Karen alongside co-host, Valerie Shinn, discusses a variety of issues as related to affirmations, self-empowerment, astrology, past lives, intuition and current events. Join Karen on Facebook and Twitter for your daily dose of inspiration.

For more information, please visit

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