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Ask a Luminary

“My life has been quite the journey. Oh, if one could only see what lies behind that statement! I have learned that my life is my choice and I choose to live in today. I practice gratitude daily. I choose my thoughts, taking captive those that are not healthy and promptly discarding them. I choose to envision my relationships as healthy, happy, and secure. I choose to envision my life as fulfilled, complete, successful and prosperous. With all that said, I find myself in a job – that’s right, a JOB – NOT my life’s purpose! My heart yearns to make a difference and I am open and ready to receive what the universe holds for me. I know I was created for something great and I won’t give up on that yearning! Perhaps there is something that I am missing? What can I do to bring to fruition all that I am suppose to have and do?” ~ Dawn, Lakebay

Dawn, congratulations on your positive attitude and desire to find your passion. I couldn’t agree more that proactively choosing happiness, gratitude, positivity is a very beneficial outlook to have. That alone puts you, I believe, well on your way to what you are looking for. Negativity pulls focus and builds roadblocks and that is not what anyone should willingly allow for themselves.

Don’t be discouraged if you are not exactly where you want to be right now. Finding and achieving that passion takes time for so many people. And, that is completely ok. As you said yourself, life is a journey. It is a series of steps that, when focused, can lead you to whatever goal you desire. And, you never know what spark you will find each day. Sometimes without us even realizing it, the journey gives us the tools that we need.

My suggestion would be to start by coming up with one idea, whether it is volunteering in an area that you think may interest you or introducing yourself to someone in a field that you admire and starting a conversation. Then, each day, set a small goal for yourself based on what you’ve discovered from your previous actions. Give yourself the opportunity for trial and error. The more things you try, even those that ultimately aren’t your favorites, the more you will learn, the more avenues will open up, the more people you will meet with similar interests, the more firm your direction will become, and the more you will be moving in the direction that you want.

While there is no shortcut, those small steps can move you a long way. And, most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy the journey, there can be a lot of great things along the way!

Michael Grandinetti

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Michael Grandinetti is one of the world’s top illusionists who performs on television and in stadiums, casinos, and theaters around the country. Michael was recently a featured performer in the television series “Masters of Illusion” which aired Friday nights this summer on The CW.

For more information, please visit

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