“I lost my job and decided to start a business, only to learn how difficult it can be. How can I make my business a success?” ~ John, Campbell, CA
Dear John,
The first question to answer is: Why are you in business?
Don’t accept your first answer. Question that answer and keep questioning your answers to get to the real truth. It will boil down to your desire of having a dream lifestyle.
Now, take that lifestyle and define it as a S.M.A.R.T. goal. (Make it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.) Visualize this goal daily, if not 10 times a day. See it, feel it, hear it. Make it real in your mind’s eye.
This is the foundation to success, and it has a lot to do with attitude, which comes from your beliefs. Do you believe you can live this lifestyle?
Next, understand one thing about business. It is all about the bottom line. How do you improve your bottom line? You sell more! Sales is the bloodline to your bottom line.
However, traditional and consultative selling skills no longer work in today’s new economy of buyers. You have to be “buyer focused” and learn how to attract, engage and empower buyers to buy. This, combined with the right attitude, behaviour and sales competencies, will give you the bottom line results you are looking for.
Bob Urichuck
Want to learn how to...
- Increase your self-worth and net worth? Increase your personal and professional performance by 200%?
- Stop chasing buyers and have them chase you? Attract, engage and empower buyers to buy?
- Shorten your sales cycle? Increase your margins and revenues? Get a better return on time invested? and much more...?
If so, meet Bob Urichuck.
Bob is an international professional speaker, trainer and best-selling author in six languages. His latest books—Velocity Selling: How to Attract, Engage & Empower Buyers to Buy, and Motivate Your Team in 30 Days (co-authored with his son, Dave)—are new in 2014.
A Certified Master Trainer (CMT), Sales Professional (CSP) and Social Entrepreneur (CSE), Bob has been recognized as Consummate Speaker of the year and ranked in the top 10 of the World's Top 30 Sales Gurus since 2008.
Bob loves what he does—inspiring, educating and empowering individuals and organizations to significantly increase their performance capability while constantly improving the quality of their lives and the lives of others with whom they come in contact.
For the last 20 years, using Singapore, Dubai and Ottawa, Canada as his ongoing hubs, Bob has worked with Fortune 500 companies and mid-size businesses in more than 1,000 cities, in over 45 countries, to audiences with as many as 10,000 participants.
An internationally sought after Velocity Selling Specialist, Bob is the creator of the “Buyer-Focused” Velocity Selling System and a virtual training platform, VelocitySelling.com. Available 24x7,the platform has four main learning categories and more than 350 modules of interactive video, from 30 seconds to seven minutes in length, supported by workbooks, assignments, real life application, and testing.
Download a complimentary eBook–"The New Economy of Buyers, Why Traditional and Consultative Selling Methods No Longer Work"–at BobU.com or take the video tour on VelocitySelling.com.
For more information please visit bobu.com or go to velocityselling.com for a free trial offer giving you full access to Bob's virtual sales training for seven days at no charge.
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