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“How can I stay present in the now when the world keeps pulling me into one drama after the next?” ~ Krishna, Amherst, MA

First off, know that you cannot get pulled out of the Now. Even drama happens now. If you do not believe me, try getting out of the now. You will find that you can think about the past and the future but that only happens now. Life only happens now!

If you find that feelings or drama is disturbing your peace in this moment, I would allow yourself to do the following:

First off, allow yourself to welcome what you are feeling in this moment as best you can. This is often enough to make an immediate difference.

Next, allow yourself to simply let go of your reaction to the drama as best you can. This may or may not change the drama but it will definitely change how you feel about it.



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Hale Dwoskin, New York Times bestselling author of The Sedona Method, and co-author of the bestseller Happiness Is Free (five-book series), is the CEO and Director of Training of Sedona Training Associates, an organization that teaches courses based on the emotional releasing techniques originated by his mentor, Lester Levenson.

Dwoskin is an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega Institute. He is also one of the 24 featured teachers of the book and movie phenomenon, The Secret, as well as a founding member of The Transformational Leadership Council. For thirty years, he has regularly been teaching The Sedona Method techniques to individuals and corporations throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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