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Share Your Wisdom

If everyone shared the lessons and knowledge of their lives, we could learn so much from each other, and there would be more empathy and less strife. Here is the wisdom that I’ve gained in my thirty-seven years: The color of someone’s skin or their financial status shouldn’t define how they’re treated. Someone else’s religious beliefs shouldn’t offend you if your own faith is strong. It’s easy to let drama into your life but it’s harder to get rid of it. Don’t stress out if no one else has faith in you, just have faith in your God and that’s…

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The Universe Has Your Back

Many years ago, I'd been living what I'd thought was the 'right life'. I was in a corporate dream job and living with the man I'd thought of as my dream man. Then I realized I was living in someone else's dream. After many sleepless nights, I ended my relationship, moved out, quit my job, and did a lot of soul searching. At first I didn't know what I was experiencing was positive change. I thought I was a victim of drama. Lots and lots of drama! Then what happened was truly magical. The path appeared before me and I…

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Choose Laughter, Not Drama

The previous Inspirational Luminaries on this site are a tough act to follow. They have clearly already covered the spiritual essentials, so what could I possibly offer that would be new or different? Many years ago, a workshop leader's response to my perpetual misery and unusually high aptitude for suffering was to advise me to "Spend six months in Disneyland and watch Saturday morning cartoons every week." He was trying to cure me of taking the drama of my life too seriously. There was my answer: humor! There is a distinct dearth of mirth on these pages. Zero laughter from…

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Instructions for a Good Life

You are stronger than you think. Life sometimes throws you a test. Throw it back. Dig deep into your soul and use the resilience you have learned over the years to get where you are going. Journeys take steps. Action is required to see results. The road may be hard at times, but if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other, you will reach checkpoints along the way that will allow you to see how far you have come and give you the strength to continue the next leg of the journey. Listen to the whispers…

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How to Drop the Drama and Enjoy Your Life

Our client, Cindy, was returning to work in just 2 weeks after a long hiatus. She had requested an individual session because, for no apparent reason, her life had become "dramatic". Perhaps you are familiar with this phenomenon. This is when perfectly normal situations appear to be larger than life and oh–so–dramatic. You go to the fridge and find there is no more milk for your coffee and it is grounds (pun intended) for a major melt down. You have a headache and suddenly an aspirin won't do – its time to plan an operation for your rapidly growing brain…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Move Out of My Household’s Negative Energy?

"I have been living with my adult son, his wife, and my 2 grandchildren for 2 years now. I finally set boundaries regarding the expectation that I cook and do the laundry for a family of six in addition to providing babysitting and childcare help for my two granddaughters, ages 5 and 6. I am a 58 year old woman, divorced with two grown sons. Since I have set the limits, I am getting the silent treatment from my daughter in law. If I try to communicate, I get curt, short one word answers. I have overheard her yelling at…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Forgive Betrayal?

"Hi, how can I forgive an infidelity and betrayal by my partner of 30 years, who has since left me? It has been a year since she left and I still have strong emotions; shock, sorrow, anger, grief, confusion that will not go away. I think about her every day and at night. My partner is 72 years old, survived cancer 2x while we've been together and has been professing her love to me all these years; telling me she looked forward to our future together. (I am 10 years younger.) I need to forgive, for myself more than for…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Stay in the Now?

"How can I stay present in the now when the world keeps pulling me into one drama after the next?" ~ Krishna, Amherst, MA First off, know that you cannot get pulled out of the Now. Even drama happens now. If you do not believe me, try getting out of the now. You will find that you can think about the past and the future but that only happens now. Life only happens now! If you find that feelings or drama is disturbing your peace in this moment, I would allow yourself to do the following: First off, allow yourself to…

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How Can I Manage My Teenagers?

"I used to think I was a great parent, before my 3 kids became teenagers. There are days when I don't know who these kids are, and I'm embarrassed to admit that some days I wish I'd never had children.... Suggestions?" ~ Marie, El Paso, TX Hey, I get it. I am a mom of two myself and there are days when I wish I was living alone again. But it is the resistance and the non-acceptance of the situation that makes it worse for us. We do have to accept that we are parents and we made this decision to do…

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Get Out of the Book!

This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking on the topic of success at the Thin Air Summit in Denver. Part of the experience was a Q&A session where my friend Brian asked, "What do you do when you have a bad day? How do you get out of it?" Well, today is one of those times so I thought I'd answer the question best by sharing the process with you. Most mornings I wake up and write. This morning I woke up to an early telephone call and felt like someone not only threw the book at me, but…

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Remember Who You Are

If you remember the movie, The Lion King, Mufasa told Simba, "Remember who you are". They could have been four of the best words ever spoken in any movie. Why do we forget who we are? Deep in our hearts, most of us know the true magnificence that we are inside. We know that first and foremost, we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves- we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  We know that we create our own realities, and that we are both the director and the actor in our own little screenplay called…

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