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Ask a Luminary

“I really need to quit my job but have a family to support. The biggest obstacle is money and time. Can you please provide any tips on courage and taking the business leap?” ~ Erick, Henderson, NV

For starters, you could start a side business and keep working until the side business generates enough income to quit. That is what I did when I first quit my job.

Fear often replaces courage when we become overwhelmed by the monumental nature of the task ahead, like “how am I going to build a business with enough income to support my family.” Instead focus only on one task, the next one at hand, like getting just one client.

Then when fear shows up, which it almost certainly will, accept it and reframe it to excitement about the future you want to create. Because we all have what psychologists call the negativity bias, we tend to think the worse will happen. By repeatedly choosing to focus on the positive, we reduce the impact of the fear.

Akshay Nanavati

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I am a Marine Corps Veteran, a speaker, an explorer, an entrepreneur and a success coach. After recovering from a life of drugs in high school, I enlisted in the US Marines despite being told by two separate doctors that I would not be able to survive boot camp because of a debilitating medical condition called Thallasemia.

During my six years in the Marines, I earned a bachelors degree in history and philosophy, a masters degree in journalism from the prestigious S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and I spent 7 months fighting the war in Iraq as a non-commissioned officer.

In my spare time, I pushed the limits of my fears in the outdoors. I have climbed mountains in the Himalayas, Africa, Bolivia, Alaska and the Cascades. I have been skydiving, scuba diving, caving, rock climbing, ice climbing, ice diving and mountain biking. In May of this year, I spent one month skiing across the second largest icecap in the world in Greenland. In temperatures as low as -40 degrees, I dragged a sled weighing 190 pounds across 350 miles.

Since then I have started two businesses: an adventure company and Human Potential Development LLC, where I help others live every day with passion and purpose through coaching, public speaking and transformational workshops. I am also a trained success coach by the ICF accredited coach training program.

While running my two businesses, I continue to explore the most hostile environments on the planet and share the wisdom I have gained from a life on the edge with others so that they too can cross their icecaps and reach their summits.

For more information, please visit

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