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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Kindness: The Core of 12 Religions

Kindness matters. In fact, it may be the only thing that really does. In today's world, kindness is one of the things we appreciate most, yet it oft time remains one of our least shared attributes. We buy books about sharing random acts of kindness, yet cut someone off in traffic. We are kind with our friends, yet quick tempered with strangers. We say nice things to one another, yet gossip behind someone else's back. We've learned to compartmentalize our kindness rather than make it a way of life. The vast majority of us believe in God and follow one…

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A Mother’s Day Tribute- 100+Tweets of Gratitude to Mom

Happy Mother's Day! As a tribute to all of the great mothers, @InspireMeToday reached out to our friends on Twitter and asked this question... What's the #1 thing that your mom taught you, that you are the MOST grateful for? Just reading the tweets as they arrived, I smiled, laughed, shook my head in agreement and most of all, felt warm inside with the outpouring of such love for our Mamas. Enjoy it and share it with you mom or anyone else you know who has a mom. :) Here's what more than 100 folks who responded had to say....…

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Osama bin Laden Dead: Reflections on Celebration

Last night President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a US military operation in Pakistan. Within minutes, we watched as America celebrated. While part of me was relieved that the head of the snake known as Al Qaeda had been chopped off, part of me felt a sadness at our revelry. Don't get me wrong- I was happy to hear that bin Laden could no longer spread his hate for America. I love this country and I've spent a good deal of my time/resources supporting our troops, even creating and delivering the World's Longest Letter of…

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Life IS the Journey- 9 Lessons Learned from Mountain Biking

This Easter weekend, I was blessed by a visit from my niece, Kristie, an energetic, athletic, college freshman. It was only natural that we'd take the bikes out of storage, give them a spring tune up and hit the mountains. It had been years since I'd been on my mountain bike and I was feeling out of shape and a bit intimidated by the mountains of Montana. On Saturday we set off for the west side of Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, to a campground called Fish Creek. The snowy roads had been plowed but were not yet open…

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Living in the Present Moment

Nature has always served as one of my greatest teachers. Yesterday was no exception, as the spring weather in the mountains was a fun reminder for me to live in the present moment. The saying in the Rocky Mountains is, "If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes", as like life, it's always changing. It's late April, yet yesterday I awoke to a beautiful blanket of snow. Knowing that I must live in the moment NOW, I jumped out of bed and announced that I was going for a walk. My husband and Koda, our dog, decided to join…

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Abundance or Vision… Which Comes First?

Sometimes I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg. Recently I had an experience where a woman, Sue, visited our home and saw our vision board hanging in our bedroom. Sue was the wife of a contractor who was doing some repair work at our home and stopped by to visit with her husband. Sue works as a cleaning lady and in her mind, had already categorized us as "rich people".  I know what that's like, for I spent my childhood and the early part of my adult life thinking that I too was separate from the abundance around…

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Watch What You Ask For…. and Be Specific!

The Law of Attraction states that what we focus on will show up in our life.  The Bible teaches, "Ask and ye shall receive". Recently, I've also learned that we also need to be specific. My office in our new home has become my sanctuary. I love being in the space, surrounded by artwork, photos, and mementos from friends and travels worldwide, along with a wall of windows overlooking a beautiful Montana forest. Over the past week I've been thinking about adding the color green to my office. Just yesterday, one of our upcoming Luminaries, famed astrologer and feng shui…

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Top 10 Things I’ve Learned from Bejeweled

Recently, I learned yet another lesson from a game called Bejeweled 2. I blogged about this game some time ago, but find I'm compelled to write about it again. For me, this game is a form of meditation as it requires great focus. I play it in my spare time, like when I'm waiting at the dentist's office or at the airport. Some days that may be 15-20 minutes and sometimes life gets too busy and I won't play for days. However, I always come away from the experience with a lesson. So, I decided to share my Top 10 Things…

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Grateful to be “Home”!

I'm so grateful to be able to share with you that finally, we've found HOME, in Whitefish, Montana. Wooohooo!!! After more than six months of looking, some part of me is fulfilled knowing that I can unpack and just "be". For those who have been following this blog, I owe you an apology. I disappeared for the last month, as my days were filled with packing, moving and unpacking. After months of "frustration and fascination", we moved into our new home last week. We bought a home that was owned by a bank, having been foreclosed on more than a…

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From Frustration to Fascination

Life has a way of giving us opportunities to grow, even in the midst of frustrating situations. Sometimes, no matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, things just don't line up for us the way we plan. For me personally, the last six months have provided ample opportunity for frustration and growth. For nearly 2 years, my husband and I have been renting a home in Montana. In June we wrote an offer on a foreclosed home, owned by a bank. As we did our due diligence, the bank realized they didn't really own the home, due…

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Blessings from a Bird

Recently I was reminded of the many miracles in my life. Interestingly enough, the messenger didn't come to me as a mighty eagle, but in the humble form of a small bird For those who follow me on Twitter, you know that two nights ago, I had a tiny bird fly inside my home in Montana. It was about 8pm, on a dark, snowy, cold evening, when Koda, our 3-year old Samoyed dog wanted to go outside. As I opened the patio door to let Koda out, I was hit by a very cold breeze AND something ran in and…

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The Power of Giving

Christmas is less than a month away and Hannukah begins next week. It's a time when we're asked to give- when many are already feeling pinched from the general economic conditions. I was recently reminded of a blog that I wrote several years ago, that I'm rerunning today as a reminder (to me). Hopefully it will warm your heart too…… A few years ago I was working on an entrepreneurial project, living off savings. Some days were financially scary as I was learning to live on faith instead of fear. One day I was standing in the checkout line of…

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Snowy Montana

Hope you had a beautiful and very Happy Thanksgiving holiday. Here are a few shots taken yesterday, showing the 7th snowy day in a row in Montana. Koda, our 3 year old Samoyed is absolutely loving the snow. (and I am too!)

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My Thanksgiving Gratitude List

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am feeling very blessed. I took a few moments to make a list of what I am most grateful for and wanted to share it with you, in the hopes that you'll be inspired to create your own "Gratitude List". It's always good to remember how much we all have to be grateful for... Happy Thanksgiving with love! My Gratitude List (not in any specific prioritized order): My husband and our family Koda, our amazing dog, and his unconditional love and affection Deep friendships Our amazing community Hot chocolate (can you tell it's -9…

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The Wisdom of Koda the Wonder Dog

From watching Koda for the last two years, these are things that he would share with you if he could write.... You'll get much more from tail wags and licks than you ever will from barks and bites. Be persistent and you'll usually get what you want. If we weren't supposed to play in mud puddles they wouldn't exist. Happiness and love are the only things that matter. Few things in life are as good as a long cool drink of water or a back rub. When someone tells you "You're beautiful", just smile, knowing they're really seeing a part…

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Integrity is perhaps the most important part of a man's character and is the essential cornerstone in the foundation for building a meaningful life. It's doing the right thing, even if no one else is watching or will ever know the difference. “In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” -Thomas Jefferson According to the dictionary, integrity is: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness : he is known to be a man of integrity. We commonly define integrity as the quality of having an intuitive sense of honesty and truthfulness in regard to the…

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Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Take Time for YOU

In today's busy world, the first thing that we seem to neglect is ourselves. There's only so much time in the day and most times, taking care of exterior responsibilities are more important that taking care of our inner selves. The biggest, untapped opportunity is just waiting for us to pause, connect and listen. Mother Teresa  took 4 hours EACH and EVERY morning to reconnect before she took a step into the world. Pope John Paul took 3/1-2 hours of quiet time each morning. Yet we bounce out of bed, hop in the shower and we're ready to tackle the…

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CONGRATULATIONS to our Vitamix Winner!

About two weeks ago I posted a blog offering a chance to win a Vitamix. I asked that people send in the entry an complete the sentence-"I want to win a Vitamix because….". Little did I know that we'd be swamped with responses, each one pulling at my heartstrings. I had no idea the need would be so great, the stories so sincere and the decision practically impossible to make. I was supposed to announce the winner in this blog post earlier this week, but our team kept going back and forth between several finalists. Then we reached out to…

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Boulder Fire Sparks Realization- It’s Not About the “Stuff”

My heart goes out to the people in Boulder, Colorado this morning. For the last four days they have been battling the worst fire in Colorado history. Not only have they had to live with the constant uncertainty of a live, moving fire, with wind gusts up to 45 mph, the pristine mountain air has been replaced with falling ash and the thick smell of smoke. Residents are experiencing respiratory problems many miles away. According to AOL News a hour ago, "The Fourmile Canyon fire has burned 170 homes in the scenic foothills of the Rockies since Labor Day, spreading…

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Green Smoothies!

I'm embarrassed to remember back a few months ago when I was discussing health on the telephone with Vitamix president Jodi Barnard, and I proudly shared that I'd just had a smoothie for breakfast. For me, that meant dumping protein powder, a few berries and some water and ice into my Cuisinart blender and hoping it would chop the ice fine enough to drink, which it did....sometimes. When she asked me if I'd ever had a green smoothie, I had to confess, that not only had I never had one, I wasn't even sure what it was. Boy, did I…

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Contrast as a Catalyst for Awareness

Contrast can often be the catalyst that causes us to notice the world around us. This Labor Day weekend has been a great time for hiking in nearby Glacier National Park. Autumn is on the way and the first snows have sprinkled a sparkling white dusting on the high mountain peaks. On a hike a few days ago, I was struck by the contrast of the stark white snow against the lush, verdant green of our Montana summers. Moving to Montana from Colorado more than a year ago, I had forgotten just how lush and green Montana is, as compared…

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