By Tara Taylor.
During full moon cycles we can feel like nothing is aligning; things are not going as “planned” or how we want them to.
I always say that patience and persistence is key and that it always makes sense “why” later when things are in a standstill and once the standstill is over, we are always grateful for the standstill.
Here are 3 tips to stay calm, focused and positive:
1) Journal out your frustrations on a piece of paper, later that evening burn that piece of paper and say out load “Divine, I now let go of these issues and ask you to assist me in finding a solution.”
2) Remind yourself of all the good reasons why you are seeking to achieve these goals or dreams in the first place. (ex. help others, peace, love, inspire)
3) Tell family and loved ones you need encouragement and to help keep you focused on your goals and dreams (the people that love us will always want to give positive reasons why we need to keep our chin up).
Give those three tips a try and you will see that the cloud of gloom and frustration will lift quickly and the sunshine of hope and prosperity will soon shine bright again.
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