Breathe deeply. Breathe fully. Trust life. Watch opportunities unfold before you; especially when things aren’t going according to plan.
There’s an immeasurable universe we are a part of. Understand you will not know the answer to “why”. But you can gather information to use to keep moving forward in your life’s purpose.
Have confidence in the decisions you make for yourself and family.
• When choices feel right in the four corners of your home, then they are right for you.
• Loving friends and family will honor your decisions.
• If you begin to question your decisions, return to your home. Does your position still feel right for you? If so, you needn’t worry how others react.
Nothing is personal – ever. You are not responsible for other people’s reactions. Their reactions are their own life’s work. You are responsible for taking care of yourself, your children (if you have them) and sharing your feelings. When you share it lets others recognize what is important to you and how you are taking in what’s happening.
Be gentle on yourself. You are more than enough. One of my favorite sayings I’ve heard is “Don’t ‘should’ on yourself.” (Now say it out loud.) When you find the S-h word playing in your mind, be soft. Look inside. You’ll find 99% of your reasoning will be for others; not for yourself. As long as you are well, your children are well; everything else can be left for another day. Be present (in the moment) with yourself and others. Minimize multitasking.
No secrets. Pure transparency is the only way to let inner light shine through.
We are all part of the collective conscious, God, the divine – however you want to put into words, something indescribable, because it always has been; It Is. It is in all of us.
We’ve all been given the breath of life which connects us to the Divine. When we acknowledge that essence inside of ourselves, we see it more in others. St. Francis of Assisi simply stated, “The one you’re looking for is the one who’s looking.”
Let all that you do be in love. No guilt, pity or fear. When you notice guilt, pity or fear creeping in, ask yourself, why? Be brave and make a shift to do/to be that which is true to your heart – to who you are at the core.
Be curious. There is a light and dark side on this planet. There will be challenging times. They are there to remind us how fragile life is, what our individual role is and a chance to ask questions.
Then when the light shines brighter there’s much opportunity for gratitude. As you are no longer the same person you once were. You’ve broadened your perspective on yourself, and life. What a gift the dark moments give! What a relief when the light shines brightly!
You are stronger than you even know.
Love this! Thank you Elise
Thank you, Lori!
“Let all that you do be in love. No guilt, pity or fear. ” easier said then done but I agree 100% “You are stronger than you even know.” Amen
I got a lot out of this. Thank you Elise.
You’re my #1 supporter. Thank you for always supporting me in my truth, Jon. ❤️
Fantastic reminders!
Thank you, AnnaMaria!
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you!
Debbie, so glad this hit home for you today. These gentle reminders come right when we need them the most. Thanks for commenting. All the best to you!
I tend to take things personally. Thank you for the reminder not to and to honor my own true self.
Your welcome, Mary! Thank you for sharing!
That was beautiful. Thanks Elise! I love the line about the four corners of your home. So much to take in and absorb.
Yes, the decisions we make in our home are what’s true… Especially as parents. I know this topic is broad and lots to take in. Soak in what resonates most ? Thanks for sharing, Annelyse!
That was awesome, Elise – a lot to take in! I really liked the “nothing is personal – ever” part. Because it sure doesn’t feel like it sometimes haha. Such a good reminder to practice and apply in life
That part is definitely one many of us practice daily. It’s easier said than done. When someone over-reacts to a situation it usually is just their inability to deal with what’s at hand. We all experience that in our own lives, too. Life is a practice. That’s why we’re here ? Thanks for commenting, Billy!
Amazing Elise, thank you!
Glad you liked it!!!
Very inspirational!! I am going through very challenging time in my life and needed this healthy reminder of my strength.
You’re so welcome, Kathy! You are strong enough to get through anything! Thanks for commenting. Best wishes to you.
That’s a wonderful perspective on life and equally well crafted explanation!
Thank you for your kind words, Jim!
What a coincidence today where I am feeling low today and when I read this I am back to my original identity ..thank you Elise
Wonderful to hear these words helped bring you back to yourself, Manu. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy the day!
This is awesome Elise! I definetly needed this today!
Oh yay! Happy to hear it’s what you needed, Brittany! These reminders are powerful!
Great way of pressing the “Reset” button. Thank you for your beautiful perspective Elise!
Thanks for commenting, Deana! Love the reset button!
I have counseled many a friend and often my children that, “Should of, could of and would of” are chains holding us captive to what we cannot change behind us. Moving forward requires us to speak, “I see, I can and I will” to ourselves in order to produce a more positive inner strength of success and growth. As I am sure many have experienced, we don’t always live by our own advice when it is most needed. Today your words caught me in the act of “shoulding” myself. I so appreciate your gentle reminder of, “Don’t should yourself!” It is time to be kind to myself and think on the “I see, I can and I will.” As Deana said….press the Reset button. 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Anne. Your “I see, I can, I will” is present and positive! I’m going to start using that, too ☺️ Thank you!
Oh my, this is perfect for me, while healing from a second hip injury, having to rest through the beautiful summer days, very quiet, knowing I will heal, and I appreciate the inspiring words of this day, I am Strong, I will Heal, Resting is staying in the moment that I am in rather than wishing I was off hiking and swimming.
Speedy and smooth healing to you, Valerie. Soon you’ll be enjoying hiking and swimming! Sometimes slow days and healing processes open our eyes to the things and people we love. Then we are able to move forward we appreciate it in a new way. Thanks for commenting and sharing.
Thank you! Elise. I am going through what feels like the most troubling waters of my entire 65 years of life. Your writing today has inspired me more than anything I’ve heard or read in awhile. Trying to be hopeful here and now, seeing there is no answer to why as you said. I will start looking for what I can learn in order to get unstuck and move forward. Perhaps your words today are the reset button to new beginnings!
Hi Carol – thank you for sharing a comment, and the tough time you are in. It warms my heart to hear these words are resonating with you. You are so not alone.
One wave at a time… One day at a time… one baby step at a time… it’s a slow reset button ? ?
Those things are needed for me. Thanks.
Thank you for commenting, Sung Kim. All the best to you.
I’ve made some choices that on the surface appear poor. I’m in a position that no-one should be at my age. I’m $100 away from homeless. But I stay positive and I believe that all happens for a good reason. My journey is supposed to be this. If things get ‘worse’ then that is as it should be. The lessons (or debts) of this life shall be absorbed. The key now is to remain positive, always, no matter what and to know there is a larger plan at work and that I agreed to this. Thank you for your timely reminder…
Thank you for sharing, Michael. It sounds like you’re aware of these temporary circumstances, and trusting the process. All the best as you move through this challenging time.
Wow thos was powerful! Im just coming out of the darkest dark nights of the soul and this truly resonated! Im still in a lot of deep internal pain I cannot explain and a lot of fear and anxiety but Im stronger than it and will make it through to a bright new day. Thank you for sharing your truth!
Thank you for commenting, and sharing where you’re at right now. The light comes through the cracks first 🙂 It sounds like you’re on your way to a brighter day. All the best to you!
Thank you for the tips, it is the wisdom:)
Thank you for commenting. Happy to hear it resonated today 🙂