While mystics, philosophers and seekers of truth have been pondering this for thousands of years… the mystery of life was unceremoniously revealed to me one Saturday afternoon..
What began as an ordinary weekend of classes became extraordinary. An unannounced curriculum change opened our class to a special session. Richard, a third year student skilled at shamanic work, had been selected to take us first year students on a shamanic journey.
I was hesitant about visiting “invisible worlds” beyond ordinary reality. The thought of venturing to “Lower World” to meet and receive a gift from our power animal was scary. Suddenly a familiar inner voice whispered, “You’ll be fine. Trust the process and your inner guidance.” Instantly, meeting my power animal intrigued me and I began to wonder about the gift.
Richard prepared us for Lower World by describing the process and landscape. During the journey he would beat a drum and stated that when we saw an animal, we should ask if it was our power animal. If the animal responded “yes”, remember to ask for the gift. The journey began….
I stepped out of the tunnel into “Lower World,” and saw reddish-brown earth, tall trees, and very few animals. In fact, several minutes passed before seeing an animal that said no, it was not my power animal. There was however, this little bee that suddenly appeared three times during the adventure and then continued to follow me. Much to my surprise, the bee said, “YES” when asked if it was my power animal.
Upon returning from the journey, three classmates eagerly shared their experience describing elaborate adventures with their bear, dolphin, and eagle power animals. Initially, I felt out of place. My tiny “bee” didn’t hold a candle to the larger animals. And yet, when Richard inquired about my power animal and the gift, amazingly – everything clicked.
I recalled the bee saying, “Just Bee” as the gift. Interesting… nothing other than the bee. The bee, a symbol of accomplishing the impossible, became a powerful reminder of anything is possible. Aerodynamically, the bee’s body is too large for its wings and should not be able to fly.
A second later, I realized the gift contained within itself a deeper meaning. The bee presented just “be” as a timeless treasure. Now, it made perfect sense.
Just be… here, in the now – fully present!
Be present, it’s the gift you give to others! When you’re fully present with someone they feel acknowledged.
Just be… in the moment.
This practice allows access to unlimited creativity and opportunities that would go unnoticed if thinking about a past or future event!
Just be… yourself.
Everyone else is taken. Be who you are fully – without pretense. Showing up as you truly matters!
Wonderful to take an experience, make it work for you and then share it with others. We forget that just truly being who we are can be a gift to ourselves and others.
Thanks for stopping by, Nancy. So true … when we show up present as our authentic self – we become the gift we bring to others!
Congratulations! Thanks for reminding us of this essential and powerful truth! Just be…..after all, we’re called human beings… Just be, here and now!
My pleasure Harriet!
Did you ever hear the significance of the bee by May Kay? “Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” So keep flying, MaryAnn! Thanks for your inspiring words to Just Be!
A few years before the Just Be…A Timeless Treasure experience, I become familiar with the significance of the Mary Kay bee. It truly is a powerful symbol and reminder that anything is possible. Thank you Kristi!
The symbol of the bee is of strength and calm in the most unconventional package…much like many people. What an amazing combination. Thank you for sharing your experience of what can open up when we suspend our every day parameters. Beautifully written.
Karen, you are on to something. I love what you expressed in your comment. Imagine …. “what can open up when we suspend our every day parameters.” Great words to live by.
This is a powerful teaching and one we can all learn from – well written
In connecting the two messages you were given, “just be” and “anything is possible” could it simply be that when you are “beeing” who you truly are, that is when anything is possible? When we are busy trying to be who we “should be” everything feels like an uphill battle. When we are “us” and in sync things just flow and we accomplish amazing things with minimal energy.
It’s a wonderful story:) In one’s journey of life, it happens a lot of signs come in, that one could not see until one contemplate it, and realize that actually it gives a lot of meaning and messages to guide us. That happens to all of us.