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20 Lessons for Living

As I’ve gone through my journey in life, I’ve learned a few lessons along the way that I hope to share with you. So here goes. Some life wisdom I’ve picked up along the way from being to stuck, to having gotten off the fence: Your name will stick with you for life. Make sure that name is good - and synonymous with integrity, kindness and truth. You must be a person of your word. This comes back to integrity. Your word must be honorable. You must know what you need, and give it to yourself whenever possible. That means…

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An Extraordinary Life is Your Birthright

You were put on this earth to experience an extraordinary life: a life of joy, purpose and abundance. It is your birthright. The fact that so few do disturbs me greatly. As Henry David Thoreau so aptly said, “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their music still in them.” I don’t want this to be you! Even if you do not believe this is possible for you at this moment, I don’t ever want you to stop searching for answers. Constantly ask yourself, “How can I live an extraordinary life? What do I…

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4 Magical Strategies for Success

Believe in Unlimited Potential As a magician, I've spent many enjoyable hours on stage, looking out at the faces of people in the audience. I think a magic performance is a powerful experience because it creates a view of a world where there are no limits. One of the things I love the most is watching people's eyes light up as they let go of their preconceptions and allow themselves to believe in this fantasy world, even if only for a few hours. Magic represents unlimited potential and unexpected possibilities -- important things for all of us to remember, believe…

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Don’t Believe in Miracles? Take a Look in the Mirror

Look into the mirror... There are over seven billion people on this planet, but only one of you. You are a mathematical enigma. Take a look at your fingerprint, the one-of-a-kind pattern is whispering to you, reminding you that there is nothing that comes close to you on this planet. The chances of your ancestors meeting, your grandparents meeting, your parents meeting, and your conception and birth are so miraculous they may as well be impossible. If you have never believed in miracles, you have forgotten that you are a miracle! Look up to the stars... You are destined for…

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Supercharge Your Dreams Into Being

You are an eternal being of light and love. You are a child of God and abundance is your inheritance. You are at a deep level one with the whole universe and therefore everything you need already exists within you. Everything! Imagine tapping into that knowledge every morning allowing yourself to start the day being filled with an abundance of happiness, enthusiasm and life-energy. And then use the day in such a way that you focus this inner energy into allowing your dreams to make the journey from being just an idea to becoming actual manifestation in your present life.…

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Time To Clean Up

The body, brain, emotions, thoughts, and surroundings are the playground of energy in our lives. Our playground is often cluttered with non-essential toys and gadgets, words, beliefs, patterns, programs, attitudes, and is often overgrown with these weeds. Because of this, our energy playground needs to be cleared regularly, so that energy is flowing and abundant for the ultimate benefit of the human form. This playground of energy is usually only taken into consideration if or when something is breaking down or not working. By ignoring our energy until there is pain, loss, breakdown, etc., we are ignoring the fabric of…

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Ways You can Choose to be Inspirational

You are not a result of your circumstances, you are a result of your choices. It is not the experiences you are presented with in life that define you, but instead how you deal with them. It is how you grow from them. It not the fact that you have faced difficulties in your life, but instead it is who you become while facing them. You are not a result of your circumstances, you are a result of your choices. In every moment you get the choice to be inspirational. Or not. In every moment you get the choice to…

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Principles for Making Your Life a Creative Process

Living can be difficult sometimes, but being alive is wonderful, exciting and full of possibility. The dissonance between these aspects of “life” can be confusing and seem unresolvable. Why is that? How is it that quality of experience can diminish quality of life? Why do some people feel they are not worthy – they make no difference, no contribution, create no benefit? Sadly, some believe they should not be alive at all, a tragedy that besets far too many. Recently a good friend who is an architect asked, “How do I get people excited about what I do?” What a question to…

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Ask These 4 Questions to Improve Your Life

Open your heart to possibilities, allowing the light of God to give you what you need. You can have plans; however, you must allow space for surprises, delights, connections, and the time it takes for things to unfold. Hope comes from the head and heart, through the soul and the spirit. Don't get stuck in a 'little idea' of you, but find freedom in knowing that beyond you, there is a force working to pick up the pieces in the darkest hours, the brightest days and even through confusion and healing! The four-letter word "Life" has allowed us to be…

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The Best Way to Predict a Future of Happiness

The choices we make every single day are crafting our future; one we either want to live in or avoid. This may sound like we humans have a tremendous responsibility to choose wisely. We do. Yet, there is a tool for building a desirable tomorrow that can be implemented right here, right now, today.  It is to Heed Your Call. As individuals, entrepreneurs, business owners, spouses, parents, friends, and lovers, it is our birthright to fulfill our unique journeys, yet we can only achieve this if we are willing to leave our known worlds. We need to peel ourselves away…

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Installing a Wealthy Mindset

I love to help people transform their relationship with money, so I want to share with you a magnetic process for attracting wealth. First, know that you are already rich. Indeed, you cannot NOT be rich! Why? Because the field of abundance is all around you, within you... it IS you! All possibilities exist in this very moment! To live the wealthy life that is your natural state, tune your energy and focus to the wealth you desire. When you tune your vibration to one of wealth, you can attract wealth by focusing your energy, empowering your vision and magnetizing it…

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