Conscientiously make your life a wonderful, beautiful piece of art. Slow down! Live. Be aware of your surroundings.
Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our daily lives that we don’t take the time to see, hear and smell the every day beauty that surrounds us – something as simple as a blade of green grass, the crisp popping sound of a flag blowing in the wind, the smell of gas fumes from a passing bus. Okay, so bus fumes are bad, but that’s not the point.
The point is – you’re ALIVE to smell those bus fumes! You’re experiencing, the ‘right here’, the ‘right now’. We aren’t promised the tomorrow and ‘right here, right now’ is all we have. Seize it!
Change the way you see your job – work to live, don’t live to work. No one on their death bed ever said they wished they’d spent more time at work. As a matter of fact, according to palliative care worker Bronnie Ware, the number one thing people wish is that they’d had the courage to live life the way they’d wanted, not they way others expected of them (“Regrets of the Dying”).
Last but certainly not least – don’t wait for those proverbial ‘special occasions’ that everyone talks about. Make EVERY day a special occasion because it is!
That pretty dress you’ve been saving for someplace special? Wear it to go shopping, to the library, to the park. Or better yet, just wear it around the house for yourself!
Use the good china every day – along with the silver, the linen napkins and the crystal glasses.
Don’t wait til ‘someday’ to take that pottery class, visit that museum, or write that book…. do it/start it today!
So you didn’t get to be a movie star? Almost every community has a theater group – get involved!
Make a list of the things you feel you’re missing out on or the things you’ve always wanted to do.
Can’t afford that fancy house you’ve always wanted? So what! To the best of your ability decorate the house you have now, the way you’d like to decorate your dream house. Speaking from experience I can tell you I did that and found that the house I was living in became my dream house and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Try to have as few regrets as possible!
When you decide to make your life a wonderful piece of art the possiblities are endless! Now go! Don’t you dare waste another minute.
A happy call to life to start off Friday, thank you and blessings. 🙂
Hi there, Thank you for this lovely piece! The part where you speak of what most people regret on their death bed. In brackets you have “Regrets of the Dying” is that another post, book or blog? I would love to read it if it’s available. Thank you! Patricia
Thank you for exhorting us to be more aware of everything around us. Living a beautiful life — as well as a productive and happy one — is showing appreciation to the Creator who gave us everything! Cheers!
Great words many thanks I needed them today blessings to you .
Patricia – ‘Regrets of the Dying’ is a book written by palliative care worker Bronnie Ware.