Over the course of my lifetime there have been many dark moments – moments of trauma, drama, tragedy and unclarity. In the depths of the dark night of the soul experiences that sometimes have lasted for several years I have found myself again and again on my knees in some way reaching out for support, guidance and a way home to peace and harmony.
I’ve been advised to stay focused on the journey -it’s about the journey and not the destination. I’ve been encouraged to focus on what’s good in the moment – truth is that there are moments where it’s a mighty task to focus on the good!
I’ve also been guided to invoke the vision or dream of where I’m going – only focus attention and intention on what I’m creating and continue to work towards that goal with the understanding that whatever is happening in the moment is going to be juicy fodder for the manifestation of that ultimate destiny.
I want to encourage you instead to focus on the AND – both the Journey AND the Destiny.
The Journey for me is the place where we are receiving in the present moment all the information, guidance, gifts, blessings, experiences, lessons, and moments that make up the book of our life.
The Destiny of course is the end game – the life WELL lived – the dreams manifested, the visions achieved. A life well lived is one where you have surrendered to being made love to by life itself – those tender moments of pleasure, those sharp piercing moments of pain, culminating in a climactic orgasmic experience that brings us to a state of pure bliss and unification with the Divine.
Remember to breathe in the beauty.
Remember to invoke your vision in those moments when it seems all is lost – that dream destination provides the motivation to keep moving forward through the darkest of days.
Remember to harvest the golden nuggets of wisdom and truth from those challenging experiences on the journey.
Remember to see each day at least one thing you can be grateful for – even if it’s just that you are breathing.
Remember to create time and space for yourself – to disengage, notice and allow whatever is to be as it is and to examine what it is that YOU really want and how you want to spend your life force.
Remember to look for the angels who will come along your path at the most unusual of moments to support, love and assist you when you least expect it and acknowledge and recognize their loving ministrations with gratitude.
Remember to share your gifts with others and be an angel for those who are not quite as far along on the journey as you are.
Remember to love life and let life make love to you – it’s an orgasmic experience if only you will truly surrender to it!
Journey Joyfully – AND Enjoy the Destination.
thank you AND congratulations for both the brilliant connexion/understanding AND the forceful, informed articulation, thereof
Such an important and authentic message Amethyst. Thanks for sharing it so beautifully.
Valerie Young
I absolutely agree – we sometimes rush through the journey to get to the destination. Great reminder to stop and take in each moment of the journey, just as it is.
Sounds so good – “being made love to by life itself.” Looking out for angels too. Thank you.
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