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The New CEO of Your Destiny

You're the CEO of Your Destiny. I spent a lot of time waiting. I waited for my career to get me more prestige. I waited for more money. I waited for job security to keep me happy. I waited for Human Resources to give me even more training to equip me with more. One day, I fired whoever had been in charge of my life up until that point, and I hired a new CEO. Me. This wasn't easy. You see, the old CEO had also hired an Inner Critic. (I learned about such things from a book called Self Esteem,…

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How You Can Prepare For Your Destiny

No matter what life scenarios or predicaments you're in, just think of two words... adventure, adventure. We've heard the song, "Que será será, whatever will be, will be." Yet whatever is going to be, doesn't always have to become what is expected. Fate, destiny, karma, miracles, chi (qi), the Force... they're all intangibles in the invisible energies of the world/universe, yet their narratives, stories and conclusions are as visible as the ways they've been written and lived. We can't stop the next day from happening, yet if you're willing to work hard, you can prepare for the days ahead knowing…

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Savoring The Journey And The Destiny

Over the course of my lifetime there have been many dark moments - moments of trauma, drama, tragedy and unclarity. In the depths of the dark night of the soul experiences that sometimes have lasted for several years I have found myself again and again on my knees in some way reaching out for support, guidance and a way home to peace and harmony. I've been advised to stay focused on the journey -it's about the journey and not the destination. I've been encouraged to focus on what's good in the moment - truth is that there are moments where…

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Connecting With a Higher Power

You are a fascinating, unique, and wonderful creative being, and the power that dwells deep within your soul is eternally connected to the very source of your being, God. You are blessed with certain spiritual gifts and talents and you hold divine potential within your soul. You have the free will to express your individual creative power in any way you choose as long as it is in agreement with divine love and divine truth. Do not concern yourself about your specific life purpose and destiny as you simply need to allow your creativity to blossom. It is time to…

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Returning to Source: Destiny, Faith and Knowing

Know that our destiny is already predetermined. Call it your inherent blue print or your life's map, this was decided long before we ever journeyed here to earth. There is a plan for each and every one of us that it's our destiny and obligation to fulfill. The universal divine wants us to succeed. It's entirely up to us as to how that will look. Your inner voice is your spiritual guide reminding you, constantly, to stay the course. It speaks truth. Are you listening? When we're young our mind and heart are open to "possibility". We naturally gravitate toward…

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Aaron Ableman

The Great Importance of Perspective

Life is what you choose. Life is what it is. And life isn't what it isn't. The struggles of any life worth living require a practice of self-liberation, as documented in freedom songs or stories from here to Timbuktu. Despite having been thrown into the throws of a mysterious universe, our heroes choose love over fear, inspiration over death, freedom over enslavement. The truth is, all good stories and songs need a challenge or a conflict to keep the interest of the audience. In other words, transform your perspective and you'll see that no matter the challenge, you have the…

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What is the Difference Between Fate and Free Will?

By Tara Taylor. I frequently get asked what my belief is on the difference between fate and free will is. Fate is that we are meant to meet certain people in our lives and then free will is what we choose to do with that encounter of the situation. Fate is that we all receive messages from the divine; free will is our choice on what we will do with that message. The best way to help you choose a higherself solution is to ask yourself: “Am I treating others the way I would like to be treated?” No matter what…

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What is Your Destiny?

Destiny is defined as the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future, or the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate. Some believe that everything is controlled by destiny and we have little control over the outcome. Others believe that our thoughts alone control our future. Regardless of your personal belief, I hope you enjoy the following story which I found and loved... During a momentous battle, a Japanese general decided to attack even though his army was greatly outnumbered. He was confident they would win, but his…

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