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Trust that your path is always perfect…

That seems like a simple statement but as we know, simple is not the same as easy. Being a control freak is a well-loved tradition in my family – trying to control events, people and even the future can be exhausting.

For me, learning to let go and trust the process of life has been nerve-wracking, nail-biting and ultimately, monumentally freeing. During one prolific struggle, a dear friend looked me in the eye and said, “You have to trust that your path is always perfect. It’s the timing we wrestle with.” Those words became a mantra of peace and surrender to a life force I feel but cannot direct.

This concept became a foundation in my book on turning unexpected change into opportunity. How many times have you reviewed the past, only to see how fluently the pieces fit together in hindsight? How many times have you mourned a “loss,” only to discover that a better opportunity emerged? How many times have you thought “if only” – and were later relieved down the road?

Perhaps the biggest challenge of living “trust that your path is always perfect” is believing it is possible. Trust requires that we listen to our inner wisdom; trust takes faith in the life process; and trust means we commit to living fully in the present.

The disciplines of inner wisdom and faith are easier to understand – it’s the “present moment” idea that trips us up. Personally, I’m a dreamer and it’s an integral part of my creative process. Here’s the challenge for us dreamers – we become committed to “what if.” We fall in love with the potential and fantasize about what can be. We are energized by the possibilities and spend our energy and focus on the future instead of the present.

Being in the present moment is recognizing “what is” without judgment. It is understanding how fluid our reality is, how it can change within moments. As my dear friend Dr. Kimberly Ventus-Darks says, it is “holding on loosely” to what we love and treasure. It is acknowledging, accepting and experiencing where we are in this moment, and appreciating the purpose of being where we are.

There is no wasted time in your life process – every single moment is purposeful, although it may not feel like it at the time. It’s when we look back, recall the experience, that we often understand the purpose or see the path more clearly.

Accepting our present situation is fundamental. Appreciating it is divine. Once our present moment is appreciated, it no longer feels wasted or “lost.” That’s when the path is always perfect becomes a reality – when we give thanks and gratitude for all the moments of our life, not just the happy ones.

And so, the path is truly perfect for each and every one of us. Your path may zig and zag differently from mine – that’s what makes the journey so intriguing.

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With a career spanning two decades, Allison Blankenship is the go-to person for developing and implementing new ideas, strategies and start ups. After being both downsized and laid off, overcoming cancer and qualifying for food stamps, Allison has developed survival skills that have allowed her to adapt and thrive. She uses her vast experience as well as her award-winning communication skills to teach people how to perform under pressure. She has co-authored three books on leadership, productivity and communications, plus multiple audio series.

Allison's message of "The not-known is the new normal" is hitting a nerve. Individuals and organizations are seeking innovative ideas and flexible tools to excel in a rapidly changing, uncertain and often unstable future. What worked last year or even last month is no longer valid. People need new critical thinking skills to navigate unexpected change and create sustainable success. Her latest book is Upside: How to Zig When Life Zags (Collage Books, 2010) co-authored with Bonnie Michaels, and it's creating a buzz both in the boardroom and on the bus.

From one-star generals to middle management to entry level staff, Allison has lead thousands of people to perform under pressure. Her unique style accelerates the results of her clients, transforming professionals from average performers into persuasive communicators, competitive innovators and strengths-based topic experts.

Upside provides practical tools and incisive, empowering exercises that help the reader to develop a plan to deal with the challenging events in their life. Allison and Bonnie accumulated many stories of individuals overcoming change and loss that are inspiring and unique—including some of their own. Upside helps individuals learn to survive in world of new realities—the not known.

Allison is president of Precision Speaking, Inc. with office in Naples, FL and Birmingham, AL. The company offers keynotes and workshops on communication and presentation skills, plus priority management. Professional accolades include Outstanding Young Woman of the Year, Florida Speaker of the Year and the Jim Barbers Leadership Award for the state of Florida. 

For more information, please visit

Comments (8)

  1. Lovely call to mindfulness and peace. It is trust in the greater purpose of the unfoldment of life and spirit that you call for – not trust that one’s small ambitions will find fulfillment. This is a hard discernment for some.

  2. It took me a lot of inside work, to understand the present, and how I viewed it. Now I learn from the past, live in the present, and hope for tomorrow. I know my path, and nothing is perfect, as I see it. I try my best to be a better version of my self, then yesterday. Spiritual, emotional, and physical. Thank you for your inspiration. It helps me today. Lots of love.

    1. Especially when we don’t agree with that inner feeling, Abinash! And isn’t it interesting when that inner feeling always proves to be accurate in retrospect… Thanks for that reminder!

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