The moment my dad died, my life changed forever. It crystallized the sobering reality that tomorrow or even the next minute is not promised to anyone. I had heard that phrase many times in my life, but to witness my father take his last breath when I was only 20 years old made it come alive inside of me.
Although we cannot control when or how our story ends, we can maximize the time we have and create a beautiful story for our lives every single day. I am committed to get to the good part and not put my happiness on hold waiting for the chapter when everything is perfect.
That day may never come so we must create the happiness we seek by being present for each glorious moment. I have learned how to be all the way me and create the life I really want right now in spite of the challenges I face.
What I know for sure is that we cannot afford to leave room for regrets of “could have”, “should have”, or “would have”. Set your intention every morning when you wake to make each day rich and satisfying as if it were your last.
Tell the people you love that you love them every day, especially your children and significant other. Hug them and express the love you feel for them by your actions and not just your words.
Don’t give up on your dreams and settle for the rat race. It will kill your spirit. Life is more than just living for the weekend or in anticipation of a two week vacation every year. Life is about finding and fulfilling your God-given purpose which is not a luxury afforded only to a chosen few. It is a conscious decision we all must make to let our light shine. So find your way to illuminate the world.
When the challenges of life begin to overwhelm you, get a grip by taking the focus off of yourself. Consciously look around and pay attention to the problems that other people are facing. You will soon realize that you are better off than many and by counting your blessings instead of your problems you will find wealth.
If you need a self esteem boost, volunteer some time to your community. Giving back to help those that are in need provides a reward that builds authentic self esteem. It will remind you just how much your life matters and how you can make a positive difference in the lives of many.
Now move confidently in the direction of your dreams and live a life so full and complete that when your story ends you can peacefully say, “I did what I came to do and I don’t want anything more.”
Thank you so much for your wisdom. That was a vitamin for my soul!!
Beautiful. Thank you Karen.
Thanks Sandra. Very wise and thought-provoking.
Thank you Paul.
This is a beautiful writing. I want to be as strong as you and I pray everyday for that strength. Keep up your great writing.
Thank you Della. With God, we have all the strength we need. Always lean in to the source. Blessings.
Great wiring sis, I needed that. You really have a talent for writing.
Thanks Linda. I am glad you were blessed by my story.
Thank you Sandra. What a wonderful reminder that each bump in life’s road is an opportunity to learn and grow. You don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk. How many of us promise ourselves we will do whatever it is that will make us happy, that will help others etc. when we retire, when the weekend comes? Instead of wishing our lives away we too can seize the moment and make a difference. We don’t have to look very far to find someone that can benefit from our help, whether it is in the form of a smile, a word of encouragement or a helping hand.
My sentiments exactly Janet. Be blessed!