Learn how to live an empowered life in this interview with Carly Alyssa Thorne!

Carly Alyssa Thorne is the creator of Transformations Life Center and Transformations Life Productions. She is all about complete transformations of mind, body, business and spirit. Carly is an educator, speaker, wellness and fitness expert, producer, consultant and overall muse.
She lives her life from a paying it forward mentality each and everyday. Her core beliefs are that life is all about sharing, collaboration and teamwork. Carly's passion is creating, producing, directing multi-sensory awakening, grounded multi-media content.
Started out in the wellness, coaching field in 1986 consulting businesses, families, the entertainment industry and individuals on the mind, body, spirit connection.
Carly's chief aim is to bridge the east and the west using various methodologies.
A process that includes taking clients from Cocoon to Flight™ Thru Learning, Playing, & Growing™ thru Creative Conscious Co-Creation.™
Carly alyssa thorne opened her 1st conscious business in 1988 called Learning, Playing & Growing, Inc., empowering individuality, through arts, education, play and organic healthy nutrition and lifestyle. This is where her passion and curiosity grew about the the mind, body, spirit connections working with children, hospice and the disabled population of all types and ages.
The spirit of the disabled empowered her, to also look within and transform her own conflicts from having grown up with severe abuse and undergoing 26 surgeries to date as of 2012.
Her last wellness center was back east in 2002 - Celestial Wellness & Fitness studio, a boutique business she created after having lost her consulting job on medical cases for a fitness firm she worked for at world trade center tower #2. Having missed the planes by one hour, Carly got clear on a few things: Life is precious and I want to reach out to as many people as I possibly can through consulting and media.
Carly is currently in the process of writing several books.
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[…] Learn how to live an empowered life in this interview with Carly Alyssa Thorne! […]