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Write Your Bucket List

By B. Lynn Goodwin. I never saw Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in The Bucket List, but I know the movie inspired people around the world to make their own lists. In case you've never heard of such a thing, a bucket list is a list of goals, dreams, ambitions, and the experiences you'd like to have before you die. It can include countries and people you want to visit, events you want to see, and sports, hobbies, and activities you’d like to try sometime. Whether you want to run a marathon, learn a foreign language, see the Aurora Borealis,…

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5 Suggestions for Staying Inspired

How does one feel more inspired everyday? Inspiration is the stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. Inspiration comes from the Latin, inspirare which means "To breathe, to blow into the Spirit is within." If you want to feel and be inspired today, here are five suggestions: 1. Movies and music have always been a great source of inspiration. I recall that a key contributor reporting to me told me he was going after his dream to be a radio sports announcer after seeing the movie, Field of Dreams. The movie Forrest Gump continues…

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Today’s Brilliance from Leah Larson

Have you ever dreamed of doing something big but then dismissed the idea because you thought it was impossible? I founded, edited and published a national quarterly magazine when I was only 13. You're probably wondering how this happened. It all started in the school lunchroom in sixth grade. The lunchroom bustled as my class found our seats. Then, I had a brainstorm, "Wouldn't it be cool to publish a magazine for Jewish girls?" My friend was used to my constant flow of ambitious but usually impractical ideas, so she simply responded, "Yeah, but we could never do it." And…

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Life is Like a Carton of Eggs

My son teases me about my blog and when something happens he'll say, "Oh no, she's going to blog about this". He's even made a game out of it when we're hiking where he'll point to a tree or some other object and say something like, "What would your tree blog be about...", and off I go. He affectionately makes fun of me, but in a playful way. He seems to think I could write a blog on just about anything. I'm not sure it that's a compliment or not, but regardless, it did get me thinking about the question-…

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Lessons Learned From an Eagle

Yesterday morning a bald eagle came to visit me at our home on Flathead Lake in Northwestern Montana. I saw him on a tree just off our deck, as I opened the door to let our dog, Koda, outside. It was a chilly morning and I was still in my robe. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, I quickly grabbed my camera and ran back out to the deck, only to find it covered with a thin coat of ice. (I almost went flying.) It was disconcerting how this eagle just sat there in the tree looking at me. I…

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Do Less, Do More-Recommendations From Twitter

I love how my blogs take on a life of their own. On Friday, I tweeted a saying that I saw on a wooden box at a museum in New York City last week. It read...  "Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breath more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours." I got a tweet right back that said, "Bark less, wag more". Within a few seconds the idea for a blog was born. I then sent this request to Twitter: Pls recommend 1 thing to do less and…

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Necker Island: Inside the World of Sir Richard Branson

Earlier this month, Sir Richard Branson invited me to his private retreat and kindly granted me the privilege of an interview for and for my blog at the Huffington Post. Many of you wrote and asked me to share some details, so here's the "inside story". I hope you are inspired to dream what's possible in your life. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In early November, my husband Darryl and I sailed to the North Sound of Virgin Gorda in the British…

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Watch What You Ask For… You Might Just Get It!

Wooohooooo!!!!! This past week, one of my wishes came true. Six years ago my daughter and I walked into the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville to hear four songwriters perform. The place was jammed and the only two seats were stools at the bar. Grateful, we sat and listened to the music. Within minutes I was captivated. One of the songwriters, Josh, played a song, Forever Valentine. The song was about a 50ish year-old woman looking back at her life, knowing that we can't live forever. I was so moved not only by this handsome young guy, his incredible musical talent,…

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Take Time to Connect

Just for a moment, think this one thought: I am an unlimited being. I have the power to be, do or create anything in my life that I desire. Anything. How does that feel? Like most people, you're probably feeling something like "yeah, I wish", or "if only that were true", or even "I wish I could believe that".  To some just saying this feels like we're lying. Some days more than others, we're able to see the possibility of "I am an unlimited being" really being a true statement. What makes the difference of not being able to say…

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Let’s Pretend

This morning I talked with one of my good friends, Lori. She was telling me about a great new plan that she had for her business. The excitement was palpable and grew exponentially as she shared her enthusiasm. Then suddenly she stopped, and said, "Well, that's what I'll do WHEN I get a sponsor." Enthusiasm gone. Excitement killed by logic. We all have dreams. We all have the same voice inside telling us why we can't do our own specific dream. What's the biggest impediment stopping you from your dream? If I had the money… if I were younger…  if…

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How Are You Going To Do That?

Most people believe that they haven't reached their dream because they don't know how to do it. The bigger the idea and the dream, the bigger the HOW! For many people, just three little letters H-O-W can become a gigantic mountain in the path. In May, my husband and I will depart in a small prop plane, to fly 31,000 miles around the world, stopping in more than 45 cities in 41 countries to deliver at least 2,000 hugs per location- literally wrapping the world with 100,000 hugs. On this Global Hug Tour, we’ll gather inspiration and share an estimated…

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Take Action on Your Dreams!

I was privileged to recently attend the filming of Beyond the Secret as a guest of my friend Marcia Weider. We are proud to have her as the luminary today on Inspire Me Today. When you read her Today's Brilliance you’ll see how she helps people do the most important thing possible- live the life of their dreams and get into action. This was also the key message I saw being taught in ‘Beyond the Secret’.  Taking action is simply the most important thing you can do to improve your life. Without taking action you’ll find that year after year your…

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Flying Without an Airplane!

The past few days I've felt like I'm flying- and we haven't even started our flight around the world on our Global Hug Tour yet! The synchronicity of life is kicking into full gear. Things are lining up so fast and the world is spinning, but all in a very good way. I'm blown away each day by the serendipity of life. Each day I continue to position myself to be lucky and it just keeps showing up! Today I was reminded how all of this started. Just one short month ago, my husband and I had a visioning session…

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What Would You Do If You Couldn’t Fail?

About a week ago I had an idea that was the biggest, boldest idea I've ever had. It came to me in a flash of inspiration during a visioning session with my husband. This idea came from asking ourselves questions like, "How can we make the biggest difference in the world? If we absolutely knew we couldn't fail, what would we do?" Very big questions birth very big outrageous answers. If you don't believe me, ask yourself the same questions. What could you do to make a huge positive impact on the world, knowing that you can't possibly fail? When…

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Born to Fly!

This morning I woke up hearing these words in my mind. I reached for the computer and with my eyes closed, just started typing. I'm not sure where it came from or what I must have been dreaming, but I wrote it just as I heard it. When I read it later today I thought it wasn't half bad, so I decided to share it with you. Comments are so welcome on this one! Here it is……. You can do it! Don't listen to the naysayers, those that haven't done what you're trying to accomplish, or those who never will.…

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