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The Wisdom of 7 Decades

I'd share the deepest things I have learned in these seven decades. I would tell you that saying "I made a mistake" feels really awful, yet calling it a "learning experience" feels uplifting and growth-producing. I would suggest that "doing work" feels like drudgery, but "having a project" fires up enthusiasm. I would remind you to take control of your thinking, because if you "think" right, you will "do" right, and if you "do" right, you will "feel" right. And "feeling" right, or good about yourself, feels a lot better than feeling bad about yourself. Remember, you always have a…

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Finding Meaning In Life

I remember when I was 8 years old, I used to sit on a bus bench or in a park just to watch people behave. This was fascinating to me and was my favorite moment in life, as it still is one of them today. Somehow, at this early age, I was already searching to understand symbolic language; to make the correlation between the inner and outer world and to search for the answer to this existential question that I truly believe should be our number one priority to know: What is the reason for living, walking, working, existing...? It…

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Time To Clean Up

The body, brain, emotions, thoughts, and surroundings are the playground of energy in our lives. Our playground is often cluttered with non-essential toys and gadgets, words, beliefs, patterns, programs, attitudes, and is often overgrown with these weeds. Because of this, our energy playground needs to be cleared regularly, so that energy is flowing and abundant for the ultimate benefit of the human form. This playground of energy is usually only taken into consideration if or when something is breaking down or not working. By ignoring our energy until there is pain, loss, breakdown, etc., we are ignoring the fabric of…

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The Real Definition of the Word Inspire

In today's world of transformation and the emerging consciousness of positive human potential, the word inspire is very often uttered into the air. "I'm inspired." "You inspire me." "That was inspiring." We are often inspired by those teachers and role models that speak most directly to our hearts, but what does the word inspire really mean? It comes from the Latin 'in' which means 'inside' or 'to infuse with' and 'spirare' which means 'breath'. In essence to inspire is to infuse with breath! An alternate meaning is to breathe life into! When I found this out I wanted to share…

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Welcome Yourself Exactly As You Are

Welcoming means accepting yourself exactly as you are and also accepting life exactly as it unfolds. It is the ability to allow all of it, including all the parts of yourself and your life that you don’t like, and letting it all flow without getting hooked into the stories created by your mind. Welcoming is not trying to make your life any different than it is.  Easier said than done, right? I know it's not always easy to welcome and accept life, especially your challenges, because you have been conditioned to continuously judge yourself and others. This is the inner voice…

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Conscious Language: The Power of Our Words

Our language has great power. It is an integral part of bringing what we desire into our lives, and also is a key element for bringing what we don't want into our lives as well. Many times, we're not even conscious of what we're doing or saying and wonder why we're not getting the results we desire. The Law of Attraction states that what we focus on grows, whether it's conscious or not, or intentional or not. We've all had the experience of thinking about buying a new car and all of a sudden, it seems like we see that…

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