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The Secret to a GREAT Day

How did you start your morning? Pondering your “to do” list? Feeling frustration with a work challenge? Feeling overwhelmed with life? What if there was a way to change the course of your day so that by every evening, you end the day with a smile? It turns out we all have the ability to find the best in every day. Remember the giddy excitement you felt as a child the morning of your birthday and holidays? You KNEW it was going to be a great day and you took notice of all of the wonderful things that happened throughout…

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Who Are You Willing to Be

We have more power to design our life than we think.We don’t control what happens. We can, however, control our response to what happens. Every moment…now, and now, and when tonight becomes now… is a choice point. Who are you willing to be? Courageous? Compassionate? Clear? What will you put on your TO NOT DO list? Checking your phone every 5 minutes? The choosing that enlivens us originates from a creator mind-set, not a victim’s. See your positive power. Sure, there’s negative power over others, but there’s also the power to and with. The power to create with others originates…

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The Audacity Map

I was a very shy girl. Didn't speak unless spoken to, head down, hair falling in front of my eyes to hide behind, slumped shoulders. Teased and tickled by my father and brothers to the point of tears, bullied by schoolmates - you get the picture. It wasn't until I went to live in NYC to attend Parsons School of Design that I woke up to someone new inside of myself. She had been brewing for a long, long time. All of a sudden, no father, no brothers, no bullies! It was like a miracle. Now I felt audacious. Bold.…

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Change is Freedom

If you have made the choice to be born, to come here to Earth, you have a right to be here. You are worthy; there is nothing you have to do other than being you. Children are holy; nurture them with love, more love and then some more love. Love is growth nourishment. Family is a team work, parenting is the most important job in the world; parenthood is the only real opportunity to become a saint, it's love instigation work. How you parent can change the world, connect with your children and always practice positive parenting. Family can be…

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Take Action From The Heart!

The key to a good life is simply to do the right thing. It sounds easy, doesn't it? It isn't always. Think of how often it's been safer to do nothing instead of something, to ignore the voice of conscience and go with the crowd (especially that person in the crowd carrying a big stick.) Think, too, of how many times you did the right thing. Costs might have ranged from loss of ease and reputation to challenges in finances, relationships, or at work. Doing the right thing is always worth it though, because, in the end, all that counts is whether…

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