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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Find My Mission?

"How do I find my mission in life?" ~ Blanca, Denver Your mission will find you, rather than you searching for your mission. In my case, my mission after graduating from college was to have and raise my children while working. It was my top priority during that time, and I was happy taking care of them. But as they got older, I knew there was something else for me. I took a family trip to Greece, which changed my life significantly and when I arrived home, I connected to a new desire—to be a writer. I’ve always love to…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Find My Purpose – Not My Job?

"My life has been quite the journey. Oh, if one could only see what lies behind that statement! I have learned that my life is my choice and I choose to live in today. I practice gratitude daily. I choose my thoughts, taking captive those that are not healthy and promptly discarding them. I choose to envision my relationships as healthy, happy, and secure. I choose to envision my life as fulfilled, complete, successful and prosperous. With all that said, I find myself in a job - that's right, a JOB - NOT my life's purpose! My heart yearns to…

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Ask a Luminary

What Is Our Collective Purpose?

"I feel like most of the people I know are struggling to find their purpose in life. What do you think is our collective 'soul's mission' in our world right now?" ~ Arie, Toronto, ON I believe that as we come into this new era, we are all being called to truly live in our “real truths”, which is that we are all divine light here to be love, to unite and to help each other learn and grow in our soul’s progressions here on earth. We are being called to be peaceful warriors and to light the way so…

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Believe and You Will Make It Happen!

I believe that God gave us our beautiful, amazing world. I have learned that with a smile, passion and the gift of sharing, you can make a difference in the world, even if it's small, and a difference in one person's life, it can happen. I am blessed to get to travel and meet a lot of people. The kids I have met this past year have made me realize a few things. One, I have a lot of work to do to reach my goal of every kid in the US having a reusable water bottle and two... I…

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Why Not: Seizing Opportunity When It Appears

I always had the sense that I would do something bigger than I could ever imagine with my life - what that was and how I would find it was always the mystery. I spent my life living by the motto "Everything happens for a reason". I took risks that most people would shy away from. And, when opportunities were presented I always asked myself "Why not?". If I could not come up with a valid reason, I always went for it all the while knowing that it would lead somewhere. By nature I am an adventurer, organizer, and brain-stormer…

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The Vibrational Ladder of Purpose

By Sheevaun Moran. The most common reason women are seeking to better themselves is because they want to live "on purpose".  Meaning they want to be in line or working to develop their purpose for being, being here and doing what they are doing. One of the reasons that people are so unhappy in their life is that they are living out of alignment with their purpose. For example, you work as an investment banker and yet you really want to be selling custom furniture where you are the designer of some pieces. This is an actual situation from a…

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The 5 Mind and Energetic Mistakes That Cost You Thousands!

Our minds are the greatest tool we have and without the proper use of our mental energy, mental creativity and right mindset opportunities for mistakes arise. Those mistakes or missed opportunities lead to thousands of dollars in lost revenue and hundreds of hours of lost time. Here are the mindset mistakes we make: Allowing others to steal your vision and your energy. Being overwhelmed because too many projects press on you that all seem important. Keeping the employee or contractor that is the least productive and who takes the greatest amount of your time. Refusal to delegate. Not asking for…

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How Much Is Your Energy Really Worth?

By Sheevaun Moran. As you walk through life it is often wondered how I fit in, what is my mission, what is my purpose, and how can I earn more money. These thoughts get bantered around our heads a lot. Mostly when we are feeling low, down, or just plain stuck. Being stuck is truly a sign of how little value we place on ourselves, our ideas, our options, and our abundance that we already have. Settling is just a bad habit that has been trained into our psyche and is an excuse to stay in a situation that doesn’t…

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How I Found My Purpose

When I learned that I was responsible for my own life - the whole enchilada - that's when it got more meaningful, more fulfilling, more fun, more vibrant, more interesting, more purposeful, and more everything good - in spite of my kicking and screaming every step of the way. I learned it while I was engaged in a bit of seeking, as it were, which consisted of reading some bestselling new age spirituality books, taking a few classes, going to workshops here and there, and listening to some audio CD's. When it became clear that everybody was pretty much saying…

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