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What Have You Lost in Constantly ‘Doing’?

In our fast-paced, multi-tasking, on-the-go-deadline driven work, we are often caught up in the act of “doing.” We move from task to task on our to-do list. We rush from work to class to home. We keep pushing ourselves to do more and do it better. But what is the cost? Do you have hobbies? Do you have passions? Or have you lost who you are to all of the things you are doing outside of yourself? Do you sleep well at night? Are you fit? Do you feel good in your body? What is your blood pressure? How is…

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The Truth About Transformation

Transformation is a process and a journey, not a destination. You will not wake up one day and be “transformed.”  Though some people, teachers or speakers may make it look like eternal and ultimate bliss, keep in mind that you're not seeing behind the scenes. It takes real effort, reflection and passion (drive and motivation!) to expand into a higher version of yourself... and to not fall back into old patterns. It’s a cycle, just like the wheel of life. You will have good days, bad days, slip ups, successes and everything in between. This doesn't mean something is wrong…

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Money (Poem)

“Don’t touch that money, it is dirty!” A caring parent often shouts And then kids wonder when they’re 30 What their aversion’s all about.   “The money doesn’t grow on trees!” We’ve heard that once or twice before It’s there along with “Birds and Bees” Engrained into our very core.   We’re raised on phrases that inspire More fear than honor and respect Some are confusing, some are dire But all produce the same affect.   How ‘bout the following sensation - “Money’s the root of all the sin” This charming, stirring revelation Can really take one for a spin.…

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12 Ways to Fall Wildly In Love with Your Life

By falling in love with life, we fall in love with ourselves (and visa versa). When we fall in love with ourselves we can access our true potential because we become willing to give ourselves the experiences, practices and beliefs that support us to succeed AND the self acceptance to get back up when we fail. If we don’t fall in love with life and ourselves, then we fall into the perpetual wheel of self sabotage, struggle and suffering. How I support people (starting with myself) to love life: I establish powerful, self-serving daily practices. Our habits make us who we become. Be…

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Here’s Your Daily Reminder

I don't often get to spend hours of quiet time with my mother, seeing as I have a soon-to-be 5 year old and a newborn.  But recently, I stumbled upon some free time so my mother and I sat down together to watch Heaven is for Real. (The little boy in the movie is simply delish, so cute.). My mother was especially touched by the film, citing a message she received from it. She said so often we go to church or hear a message, and for that short period of time we "get it." We are kind and patient and living…

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Ask a Luminary

Are You Aligned with God?

"I want to be closer to God. I've tried prayer and meditation, but I'm not hearing the answers I thought I'd hear. What have you found that works in creating a closer bond with the Divine?" ~ Judy, Tallahassee, FL Dear Judy, I believe that God is with us, inside us and around us at all times, and that God works through us to expand and grow. I use a “commitment question” to connect with the Divine. I ask myself, “How may I best embody supportive love, appreciation and gratitude in every moment?” Supportive love is unconditional. God gives you…

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School of HP: The Meaning of Success (Poem)

What is the meaning of success? And is there one true definition? Is there a universal test? Perhaps that ties it to ambition? Perhaps to money… or career? Or how the others view your choices? Is there a word that rings so clear That it drowns out the other noises… I would say no, avoid the stress There is no word that plays the master One’s definition of success Is but another one’s disaster Success is but a state of mind A state of calm and introspection And those who live it always find That it exists in every action…

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Sometimes My Fears Get So Intense

Sometimes my fears get so intense. It’s like my heart is in a vice grip and it’s squeezing all of the optimism and positivity out of me. Fortunately this has happened enough times over my lifetime to know that those fears are not me. They are not my truth. They are seeds that were planted at one point or another and I choose not to give them my power any longer. This is why I celebrate my fears and the anxiety that tends to come with them. Because when it’s on the surface, in my face and surging through my…

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Your Body Is Beautiful… As Is

Most of us would change something about our bodies if we could.  We (too) often speak harshly about ourselves: Gross. Fat. Ugly. Flabby. Eh, this part is ok. But this part, disgusting. Too big. Too small. Too short. Too tall. Body image is a reflection of our thoughts and belief systems. It is also an indicator of the amount of self love we possess. Stories we have been told. And lies we believe. The weight loss industry rakes in billions each year. People try one diet after another. They ride the wave the media makes.  Everyone wants a quick fix to look "good," whatever…

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Love Forgive Listen Trust

After another loud, red-faced argument with my husband, I retreated to my corner to mentally reassert my rightness and curse under my breath. Our angry words hung in the air like trapped dust. We’d had too many of these arguments lately, and I hated how I felt. Like a shrew, the kind of woman who makes a scene in public and you watch, shaking your head and thinking, How could she do that? I hated too the inevitable aftermath: hours, days, of silence, polite avoiding of each other in the hallway, sleeping separately, and the only words spoken questions about food…

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Why Are You Reluctant to Stop Doing It All?

When the behaviors of a Type A are out of control, we can take responsibility for situations and outcomes, for the feelings and experience or others, and for absolutely everything around us. We think everything is our responsibility, and thus, within our control to affect. We fear if we don’t take care of everything needing to get done, there will be horrible consequences. The stress coming from being overtaken by our Type-A tendencies, eventually takes a toll on our mood, mental clarity, relationships, work satisfaction, and our health. The goal of this book is to help reduce these negative side effects of…

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School of HP: As real as they come…

Yesterday, during a seminar on intuition, Mel Doerr (our wonderful intuitive) guided us on a meditation. I relaxed my body, imagined a protective healing light all around me, and rose up into the ether.  My third eye started to pulsate, I was getting deeper into a trance-like state and then I felt my right arm tingle. It was as if my hairs were being gently brushed. I have had shivers down my spine during meditation before but never anything like this. This was very very real. It was so real that for a moment I opened my eyes to see if…

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Discover the Secrets to Finding True Love

Are you ready to find your soulmate? Starting tomorrow, Thursday, September 11th, you can discover exactly how, step-by-step... and for FREE! Register now for The Secrets to Finding True Love Online Event. You’ll learn first-hand from experts like Dr. John Gray, Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Helen Fisher, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Katherine Woodward Thomas MA, MFT, Alison Armstrong, Christian Carter and more. A taste of what you’ll discover:
  • How to identify your “love personality type” and understand how it determines who you love, as well as how you attract love to you
  • A simple, quick and effective technique for releasing past emotional trauma and blockages so you are fully available to your Soulmate
  • The secret process that turns your longing into a powerful magnetism for love
  • The do’s and don’ts of making a specific list to manifest the right person
  • The 4 most attractive qualities, and how you can authentically embody them.

To save your seat, register for free now!

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We Love You (Poem)

On this World Suicide Prevention Day, and every day, may we send our love out to all who are hurting...   We Love You Child, I don’t know Why you experience such pain And even though I’m grown up I have no way to explain- Yet I can tell you from experience That life unfolds in stages And sometimes on our journeys We just need a few more pages- So please know you’re supported Even though you feel alone- And talk to someone that you trust Or call them on the phone- And know no matter how you feel You…

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Chase Your Dreams

I was sitting around the other day and began daydreaming about horses. I have loved horses with a passion for as long as I was aware of their existence. For decades they consumed my existence. I wanted a horse of my own with every ounce of my being. And always knew one day I would have one. Such magic, beauty. Words cannot describe their magnificence. The smell of a barn, the dust from the paths, the wet mark on the horse's back from under the saddle, the sound of a canter or trot  -- ah, nostalgia. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I…

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What we can learn from the ice bucket challenge and Robin Williams’ death

The life and death of two prominent and beloved figures were brought into our national consciousness recently: Lou Gehrig and Robin Williams. They brought joy to the lives of others through their respective careers in the limelight—one a professional athlete and the other an entertainer. They died in different ways. Gehrig died slowly and methodically from an illness that now bears his name. Williams took his own life after a long struggle with depression, addiction, and perhaps a different chronic illness looming in his future. Williams’ death brought surprise and sadness. We still ride the ripples as the media presents…

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School of HP: And the future goes to…

We are always fascinated by the future. We gravitate to those who say they can predict it. We ask them to look into their crystal ball and tell us what's in store. We read Nostradamus and try to interpret his visions and transpose them onto the events of the past to see if he's accurate. We huddle around to hear stories of dreams that turn out to be true. Thinking of this I am reminded of a verse from Jesus Christ Superstar: ...Why should you want to know? Don't you mind about the future Don't you try to think ahead…

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Rhyme for the Sensitive Child (Poem)

As a new school year begins, may all children be free from bullying, and know that they are love and loved~ Rhyme for the Sensitive Child   ‘Don’t take things so personal’ You hear them say But child I know You don’t see it that way- For I know that you feel Deep like the sea And when you are hurt You long to be free from this world- Yet I’m here to tell you From the wisdom of years From trying to fit in And hiding my tears- That you are so Amazing... That the gifts that you bring…

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Have You Become a Type A Personality?

The concept of a Type A personality has not been around for long. It was actually identified in the 1950s by two cardiologists, Drs. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, who were studying coronary heart disease. They found a link between personality types and heart disease. According to their research, they identified three types of behaviors: Type A, which they labeled as competitive, ambitious, impatient, aggressive, and fast-talking; Type B, which is more relaxed and non-competitive; and Type C, which is hardworking, but becomes apathetic when faced with stress. Those considered Type A were more prone to having high blood pressure,…

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