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[Free Gift] Five Chapters of a MIND-BLOWING book!

How do you feel about getting more out of life than you currently do? Can I ask you if you’ve found it harder than you thought it would be to achieve all you’ve wanted in life? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simple way you could learn to think that made it easier to succeed and get what you want, than it was to struggle and eventually fail… Can you imagine it being easier to succeed than to fail? Too good to be true isn’t it? Well not if the way it’s taught is completely different to anything else you’ve tried before… Please don’t misunderstand me, the techniques you are about to learn are similar, maybe even the same. But what’s different is the way it is taught and the way you learn. If you’d like to try ‘something very different’ for yourself… Check out for free the first five chapters of my friend Andy Shaw’s book

Creating A Bug Free Mind

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Your True Essence…

You are love. Your true essence is love. Be aware that you are love in all you do, say, think, feel, smell, taste or know, and you will be happy and healthy all the days of your life. When life is challenging, it is often because we have lost sight of the focus on love and well-being. Everything is energy. All energy vibrates on waves - like sound waves – circling out and returning to the source. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and words are broadcasting and creating future reality. Through the use of tools like meditation and contemplation, you can…

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Returning to Source: Destiny, Faith and Knowing

Know that our destiny is already predetermined. Call it your inherent blue print or your life's map, this was decided long before we ever journeyed here to earth. There is a plan for each and every one of us that it's our destiny and obligation to fulfill. The universal divine wants us to succeed. It's entirely up to us as to how that will look. Your inner voice is your spiritual guide reminding you, constantly, to stay the course. It speaks truth. Are you listening? When we're young our mind and heart are open to "possibility". We naturally gravitate toward…

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Wabi Sabi Love

Does your significant other do things that make you crazy? Have you noticed they probably aren't going to change? There is an easy solution, and it's a fabulous book that shows you how to go from "annoyed to enjoyed" quickly! You can fall in love all over again when you read Arielle Fords's Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. Wabi Sabi is an ancient Japanese art form that honors all things old, worn, weathered, imperfect, and impermanent. In fact, it seeks to find “beauty and perfection in the imperfections.” The best way to learn Wabi Sabi Love is through stories and fun, simple exercises, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book. Arielle reveals the Wabi Sabi secrets that create a passionate, joyful, and loving relationship. If you are ready for more love, fun, harmony, and passion in your relationship....

Order Wabi Sabi Love now!

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Embrace Your Bliss Every Day

True bliss is finding happiness in the moment, in what is. Doing whatever you love in life will bring that happy moment, but first you must figure out what that thing is that's most important to your happiness. And to figure it out takes self-reflection. That's where practice and process needs to happen. Every day. I recommend some practice that makes you pause and look within you like yoga, journaling, mediation or prayer. Whatever you call it. But you must stop consciously every day and do it. This is all it takes. Consistency. Devotion. The biggest discovery you will make…

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YOU are the Embodiment of Love!

Life is rich, filled with beautiful moments as well as difficult times. Life is a journey through the middle ground of the highs and lows, where you learn to find your sacred place of contentment. In this space of breath and awareness, you face life with a knowingness that whatever happens, this always remains true: you are strong, you are wise, you are loved and you are a beautiful person needed in this world. You have a higher purpose in life. You may bring certain qualities to everything you do, such as love, hope, faith, tranquility, abundance, truth, clarity, devotion,…

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Sponsored: Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation

Profound discovery awaits you as you train to develop leadership and resilience skills in yourself and others. Experts know that when we integrate the mind in healthy ways, we can foster healing, growth and resilience. Be part of the inaugural group to earn the first ever  Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation from BlueRio Strategies. This course, lead by nationally recognized CCE-Board Certified Coach and Resilience Advisor Jessi LaCosta, offers a supportive platform for building coaching skills and helping others to lead more fulfilled lives. Lead and Thrive is grounded in traditional and innovative coaching approaches, the underpinnings of IPNB (Interpersonal…

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Are You Ready to Wake Up?

Wake up! Those two words encompass an entire philosophy of life. According to the ancient seers, we are asleep, dreaming that our day-to-day world is all that is. And that who we are - who we really are - is much more than our familial and societal roles, much more than our occupation, bank account, politics, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation. More than our history as a victim or perpetrator. There's a wonderful little story about Buddha: One of his students asked him, "Are you the messiah?" "No," answered Buddha. "Then are you a healer?" "No," Buddha replied. "Then…

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Don’t Believe in Miracles? Take a Look in the Mirror

Look into the mirror... There are over seven billion people on this planet, but only one of you. You are a mathematical enigma. Take a look at your fingerprint, the one-of-a-kind pattern is whispering to you, reminding you that there is nothing that comes close to you on this planet. The chances of your ancestors meeting, your grandparents meeting, your parents meeting, and your conception and birth are so miraculous they may as well be impossible. If you have never believed in miracles, you have forgotten that you are a miracle! Look up to the stars... You are destined for…

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