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Why Perseverance is the Answer

Sometimes to grow and to truly change your life, you have to make difficult choices. To thrive and become better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually often times is painful. You get so comfortable being uncomfortable that you settle for less when you really are destined for greatness. Don't let past mistakes or failures define who you are because your past doesn't dictate what your future will be. When you make your plan of transformation remember to visualize... see the end goal, the end results of success. Map out your storybook of triumph. Whether you start a business or audition for…

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

You are NOT doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life! In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza gives you not only the necessary knowledge to change any aspect of yourself, but also step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same!

Order Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself now.

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Looking for Success? Pay Attention to You!

You are amazing. Do you know that? Really, you are. You have a gift and you are here to share it. It's your time to shine. It's time to stop dimming your light to blend in or conform to what others tell you to do. You know you best. And you know you are meant for great things. You know that your most meaningful life is directly tied to you being YOU 100% of the time. Your main responsibility - the reason you were put on this planet - is to nurture your gifts and allow them to flow through…

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Finding the Magic In Life

What does it take to be inspired today, when stress is all around us due to the economy, environment, war and more? To me, it is about being truly grateful on a daily basis and, sometimes a minute-by-minute basis, on those days when you feel you just can't take one more step. Everywhere we turn, there is continued devastation. Every minute, there is a child raped, a person murdered, a rainforest dying, an iceberg melting. But what if we looked at everything, good, bad, or indifferent, and saw the magic? What if we saw things from a different perspective and…

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Deepen 12-Step Programs with Meditation

When looking inward, it's all too easy to fall into confusion, self-deception, and a host of distractions. 12-Step programs can be life-altering, but all recovery work demands careful self-examination. Deepen 12-Step Programs with Meditation was created to help you optimize your progress in any recovery program. In this course from Max Highstein, you will have 12 professionally recorded guided meditations with gentle narration and soft background music to help you stay centered and focused on your current step. At every stage, you're given a highly optimized opportunity to see clearly where you are, release any blocks to your progress, and make a stronger…

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The Brightest Light Is In You

This is what I want my seven grandchildren to know: that during my time on Earth, the brightest light I have seen has come from within me, when I have been at peace. Peace brightens me; it brightens the world I see. And there have been occasions when it has opened the door to Heaven and allowed me to visit for a spell. Peace has also saved me in the everyday world. The storms of change and struggle can be raging all around me, debris flying, dark clouds rolling in and everything out of control. But when I choose peace,…

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Design Your Ideal Life

You truly have the power to live your life by design. This concept of "creating your reality" is not just some "personal development" idea designed to create a sense of empowerment or give people a positive outlook, though it has been used in that way. What changed my life, however, was finally seeing the Truth that we - consciously or not - are at the cause of our experience, pleasant or unpleasant. I see people wasting years of their lives trying to find the reasons "out there" as to why things aren't going how they wish they were. I did…

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The Secret To Maximizing Your Life [Free Training]

Are you ready for the secret to maximizing your life? Probably not as it must be too good to be trueRight? Well today I’ve got something for you that you may find unbelievable! You may have heard me mention my friend Andy Shaw’s work before, well he’s just released a new video training on The Secret To Maximizing Your Life. I’ve just watched the full training and what he explains in it is very simple to grasp, but actually shocking to consider…. Are you ready to take a look and see how far the rabbit hole goes on maximizing your success?

Click here to get free instant access to his new training.

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Use Your Time Wisely… Simple Lessons for Daily Life

I would begin with the notion that time is our most precious inventory, and that the quality of our lives reflects how and where and with whom we spend it. The tragedy of modern life resides in the everyday Faustian exchange of time for false promises and trivial distraction. Free time is the only meaningful measure of a free society, and real freedom is always defined and defended by the option not to participate. As with knowledge and wisdom and peace, therefore, the path to freedom is subtractive, not additive. Things to do on a daily basis... 1. Whatever your…

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